I've ditched my annual mileage goals. I was getting a bit obsessed with it and demotivated, which was a bit silly since they were pretty meaningless arbitrary self-imposed targets.
You've got some more events to look forward to this year haven't you?
I've just put in for a holiday on 9th Sept - ToB stage 4 - planning to head up to the Redstone Rigg 17% section.
Nice - looks like a cheeky climb and it will certainly be a spectacle!
I've got three sportives lined up (Highland Perthshire, Bealach Beag, and Ullapool sportive), as well as the CC Ecosse tour in a few weeks and 6 more qualification rides for the Imperial Century a Month challenge on this very website, but struggling to summon the enthusiasm for more than my oddball random'o'clock commute.
I've possibly managed to find a fellow
victim participant for another Pyrenean misadventure next year so that would definitely be something major to aim for.
It's blowing a hoolie just now so will at least get a big tailwind on the ride home