Inconsistencies or plot holes in films

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captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Nope, still not buying it. At what point do they replicate into two beings? If you travel to and fro you are taking yourself with you - you are not leaving behind a clone to carry on as if you were still there. Besides, in this case if you're saying that they went to the future, saw the mess being created, went back to the present and then carried on, then they would do that knowing what a mess was coming and therefore how to avoid it.

In physics, there is a theory that states every decision we make causes the universe to perpetually split creating infinite versions of reality.
I know what you're saying, that if you went into the future you wouldn't meet yourself, because having time travelled, you remove yourself from say, 2023 and if you arrive in 2053 there'll be no 'you' since you didn't live those 30 years.

However, your decision to jump forwards is one choice, the other is to remain in 2023. Thus, there would be an alternate 2023 created in which you never time travelled and this is the one in which you could meet your future self.

In essence, you'd arrive in a 2053 different parallel universe where you never time travelled and your future self is there. In your universe, what you say might occur. So time travel can be thought of as jumping across 'parallel tracks' of identical universes. If you left at say, 2pm and went back to 1pm to shoot yourself, you could die in that universe, but not in your own since it would paradoxically undermine your existence. But in an identical universe, it would seem like you shot yourself since it all looks the same.

I like to think of it like playing two identical DVD's of a movie. If you leapt from one movie into the other, you can visit the past or future of that movie, but not yours. And because they're identical, it would seem the same, but there'd be two of you, you from movie1 and also you in movie2.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
In Star Trek, beaming down to a Class M planet means its a sunny day somewhere in California^_^.
In Blakes 7, teleporting to an alien planet means either a sand pit or resembling Surrey on a wet Autumn day.
Raiders of the lost ark

Given the Ark destroyed all the Nazis when they finally got hold of it, Indiana and his friends might as well have just gone to the pub for the duration the movie and the ending would have been the same.

And in the Holy Grail one, given Sean Connery (Indy's dad) has been brought back to life by drinking from the Grail, presumably he is immortal thereafter. That seemed rather glossed over

I've read that theory a lot, that if Indy had done nothing the Nazis would have all died anyway which may well have happened but there are still some significant changes with no Indy.

  • Nazis would have recovered the Arc themselves as Marian was going to sell them the headpiece, rather than them working with only 1 side of it
  • The Arc would have been flown directly to Germany, it was Belloq that convinced them to open it early and they were already spooked by Indy ruining their plans. If it had been flown directly to Germany and opened in front of Hitler as planned then yes it would have killed Hitler.
  • The Arc would have remained in Nazi Germany, the American agents would not have got hold of it and their 'top men' would not have looked at it. Who knows what other trouble the Arc would have caused.
So whilst yes the No Indy Theory does have some truth to it, theres actually some pretty bad consquences (like Hitler being alive to start WW2) to him not getting involved.

I thought that this was covered - the immortality only works within the temple; cross the great seal and it's all off. Hence why the old dude in the cave had to stay there.
Yes that's right, they used the healing power of the grail to save his life (does it remove bullets as well?) but once he leaves his immortality leaves him as well.

Nope, still not buying it. At what point do they replicate into two beings? If you travel to and fro you are taking yourself with you - you are not leaving behind a clone to carry on as if you were still there. Besides, in this case if you're saying that they went to the future, saw the mess being created, went back to the present and then carried on, then they would do that knowing what a mess was coming and therefore how to avoid it.
Marty and Jennifer never replicate into two beings, they travelled to 2015 and met themselves then travelled back to 1985 (via some other shennigans first). They then lived out their lives for the next 40 years whereupon they would meet their 1985 time travelling counterparts. So yes at certain points there are 2 Marty's and 2 Jennifers (I think in 1955 at certain points there are 3 Marty's and 3 Docs but thats another mess lol!) but they are always the same person just at a different point on their own timeline.

Thinking about it the real plot hole is why does 2015 Jennifer scream and faint when she meets her 1985 self, does she not remember meeting herself 40 years previously?

My point was that due to the change in 1955, when Biff returns to the future, it starts to change around him. This is in keeping with the first movie, when Marty gets hit by the car (his dad is a 'peeping Tom') and accidentally changes the timeline, the changes aren't instantaneous. He has time to fix things before he vanishes at the concert- the process begins with his family photo changing... 'poor photographic paper, your brothers head is missing' etc.

Thus when Biff hands the almanac to himself in 1955, he can return to that 2015 because the new timeline hasn't been established yet so there's a 'grace' period. That happens when 1955 Biff makes his first bet using the almanac. If what you say is true, then when Marty gets hit by the car, the change would have been immediate and he would have vanished, probably creating a paradox since its his time travelling that caused that situation in the first place.

So the entire first movie is a big 'grace period' in which Marty must readjust the timeline or he's gone....

Spot on. It would have taken some time for 1955 Biff to place bets and get into a position of power, plenty of time for 2015 Biff to travel back to his timeline wherupon 60 years of changes hits him like a ton of bricks (probably why it hurts so much for him but didnt for Marty).

But again, like with BTTF, they are playing it both ways. The reason given that they can launch him into orbit under a tarp is because the atmosphere is so thin, yet it's dense enough to push the MAV over.

Theres a review I read that says the same thing, it's fine to re-imagine Mars with fierce winds as a plot device but it needs to be consistant. His habitat fixed with cellophane and sticky shouldn't have survived those fierce winds either.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Raiders of the lost ark

Given the Ark destroyed all the Nazis when they finally got hold of it, Indiana and his friends might as well have just gone to the pub for the duration the movie and the ending would have been the same.

And in the Holy Grail one, given Sean Connery (Indy's dad) has been brought back to life by drinking from the Grail, presumably he is immortal thereafter. That seemed rather glossed over

This one was a gag in Big Bang Theory. Its got a simple solution, nobody knew the Nazis would die when they opened the Ark, remember that picture of it shown to Indy at the briefing he had...'an army that marches with the ark is invincible' ??. It depicts it in action, so its entirely plausible that the Nazis thought they could use it. And thus the Americans get Indy to retrieve it. So that's it, no-one knew it would destroy those who open it, the Ark apparently having been used in the past.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
In Fantastic Voyage (1966), the sub is 'eaten' by white cells at the end. But there still would be billions of 'submarine atoms' existing that would de-miniaturise & kill the patient. Asimov (he never wrote the movie, just adapted the screenplay) solved this in the novel by having the cell follow them out of the tear duct.


Legendary Member
London, UK
Every car; in every Fast and Furious film had a minimum of 14 forward gears from the backings sounds……

And how comes the Mitsubishi can drive in reverse at 50mph (or however fast they were going)?
And also, how can Paul Walker, while driving at 100mph+ in traffic, stare into the passenger's eyes, and not even crash?
Knight Rider: why, after every jump, Micheal Knight has to turn around to see the jump he just performed? I mean, doesn't he have a rear view mirror?
Ok I'll shut up now.


Slippery scientist
Every car; in every Fast and Furious film had a minimum of 14 forward gears from the backings sounds……

And the quarter mile times are really slow. Here's how they come out on the UK market DVD:

17:34 - 19:34 First street race - 2:00
1:08:13 - 1:08:37 Vin's girl (200SX?) vs some bloke (RX7) - 24s
1:10:00 - 1:10:21 Jetta vs S2000 - 21s
1:31:58 - 1:33:28 Charger vs Supra finale - 1:24 (some slo-mo)
One that is not a plothole is in Home Alone the lack of telephone service does not stop Kevin from using his phone for local calls. It was pointed out that it was possible at that time for the International and National service to be out but that Local services still work as they have their own exchange.
Just been watching Warrior Nun
it basically has pretty much every plot fault in it

main thing that occurs in any "kung-fu" type "thriller" - especially ones where the main character is female - is the one where they see the enemy and charge to take them on using their staff, sword or hands

and the enemy men let them get close in spite of holding guns!

in Warrior Nun at one point this happens - so the enemy men are all defeated and their guns are then left on the ground as the women reform and head off towards the target
at which point it turns out that the all have guns tucked into their belt (and which never dropped out in their acrobatics) which could have been used to shoot the men before and taken less risk of one of them being defeated

still - gotta watch some carp from time to time or you don't appreciate proper films

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
And how comes the Mitsubishi can drive in reverse at 50mph (or however fast they were going)?
And also, how can Paul Walker, while driving at 100mph+ in traffic, stare into the passenger's eyes, and not even crash?
Knight Rider: why, after every jump, Micheal Knight has to turn around to see the jump he just performed? I mean, doesn't he have a rear view mirror?
Ok I'll shut up now.

In Knight Rider, KITT takes off and will clearly go into the ground like a dart once clearing the obstruction, but it always cuts to a far shallower angle when he lands:okay:. On YT, you can see them trash Trans Ams doing this.

In one episode, Mike jumps KITT onto a car transporter & climbs along it to reach the villain in the cab. But in one shot of him approaching the camera, a baseball cap suddenly whooshes past - probably from one of the camera crew.

Also, KITT seems to have incredible footage on his monitors - how did they get that imagery when KITT is nowhere near the action, plus its all shot from different angles and fully edited. It wouldn't look like that on his monitor from his camera feed.

Every time Mike reverses KITT out of the Foundation semi, he always does a screeching U-turn. Why isn't that truck ever going in the right direction?.


South Wales
Just been watching Warrior Nun
it basically has pretty much every plot fault in it

main thing that occurs in any "kung-fu" type "thriller" - especially ones where the main character is female - is the one where they see the enemy and charge to take them on using their staff, sword or hands

and the enemy men let them get close in spite of holding guns!

in Warrior Nun at one point this happens - so the enemy men are all defeated and their guns are then left on the ground as the women reform and head off towards the target
at which point it turns out that the all have guns tucked into their belt (and which never dropped out in their acrobatics) which could have been used to shoot the men before and taken less risk of one of them being defeated

still - gotta watch some carp from time to time or you don't appreciate proper films

There were all sorts of inconsistencies and unbelievabilities in that series, but it was fun to watch :smile:

The second series was even more ridiculous than the first.
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