I love helmets

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The impression I have formed from reading the posts I have seen of yours would suggest to me, on first reading, a contrary position to the one now made clear hence my comment.

Unfortunately I haven't had chance to read every thread on here and Example One is such a thread

Unfortunately Example Two is a bad link so I cannot see it

Since I could be bothered to work it out http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/ho...offer-no-protection-from-injury.86053/page-44


Lets just say, If you where lobbying against helmet law, and the law came in, the majority said right we are no longer going to cycle and gave it up, would you continue to cycle and wear a helmet to save cycling or give it up on principal along with the majority. Don't get me wrong, it's a great debate, but if it stays as we are with no law then everyone's happy:thumbsup:

You also have to consider the "unserious" cyclist who would stop cycling because of the extra hassle.

Big Nick

Senior Member
I'm not sure how something can be conceded other than in some sort of negotiation. Perhaps you could offer an example to clarify what you mean?

I initially thought the world was flat, I now concede that was incorrect and it is indeed round

Will that do?

Big Nick

Senior Member
How much more or less likely does it need to be for you, that it is "cycle, yes definitely wear one" but "walking, that is just silly"?
You can only go from your own experience, I haven't fallen over when out walking and crashed to the ground banging my head in the process in recent memory however I did crash my bike earlier this year and banged my head

I don't tend to walk at 15-20mph but do regularly cycle at that speed making any crashing a heavier impact, my head is also the foremost point of my body when I cycle when I walk it is not

Big Nick

Senior Member
You are playing true to type. Disappointing, but not unexpected.
As are you kind Sir

Big Nick

Senior Member
You do realise that you can search for an individual member's contributions to a thread, don't you? If you can't remember what or where you or anyone else posted, it's easy to find out.

I don't need to, someone else will do it for me.......:laugh:


You can only go from your own experience, I haven't fallen over when out walking and crashed to the ground banging my head in the process in recent memory however I did crash my bike earlier this year and banged my head
I don't tend to walk at 15-20mph but do regularly cycle at that speed making any crashing a heavier impact, my head is also the foremost point of my body when I cycle when I walk it is not

Mother-in-law has fallen over 3 times in the past few years requiring a hospital visits for head injuries, a helmet may have helped.

Also if you want protection at speeds above 12mph maybe you should be wearing a motorcyle helmet.

Big Nick

Senior Member
I don't need to prove anything.

If you think the subject of cycle helmets is quite important, in the grand scheme of things, that is quite surprising. I have an opinion on such matters but ultimately would not see the topic as such but does that make my views any less important that yours?

The repeated use of the word 'troll' for someone whom takes a view different to yours says more about you than me
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