I was just interested to explore why you consider a graze to the head more worth protecting from than one to the elbow.
No reason. apart from suffering a bad head injury.
@broadway Sorry I think should have explained better my post, builder wears hard hats as to protect from falling objects from above or bang head on scaffolding not as in a fall, but wears no protection against falling off a ladder
@Mugshot Most will follow what pro's wear whatever the sport, having personally suffered head injuries made my decision for wearing one, I'm not a dedicated follower of fashion, never have been..
Guys, everyone has a right to their own opinion albiet whoever is right or wrong, just because there are 2 sides to an argument doesn't make either side right or wrong, it's a complex debate and each accident has it's own variables as to if, what, how or could have been. You do at the moment have the right to choose to wear or not to wear, if it ever became law then yes you could kick a stink up about it if you were that against it. move on