Cracking a solo.
There are aspects which I am passionate about. My biggest bugbear is that far too often people feel entitled to tell me, and others, that we should be wearing a helmet and it isn't usually done politely. It is rare that any of the individuals concerned have any idea of the counter arguments and it is frequently people that have no desire to ever throw a leg over a bike that feel they can tell me what I should or should not be wearing or doing. Even more frustrating is trying to discuss the issue, it seems almost impossible for people to actually listen to what you have to say, there is only one point of view and that is theirs, anything I say is instantly dismissed as nonsense and ignored.I can see you are passionate about this,
I don't want to turn up for a bike ride with people I don't know who immediately feel obliged to deride and question my decision to not wear a helmet, particularly when they are not prepared to listen to the reasons why. I don't want family members, work mates or total strangers cajoling, nagging or demanding that I or anybody else should wear a helmet, particularly when the only "evidence" they have is that because it's a helmet it must be good or some spurious anecdote they've heard.
If somebody wants to wear a helmet that's fine by me, but if they or anybody else feels such a need to point out that I don't they should at least have the decency to listen to me when I explain why.