How old are you?

How old are you?

  • Under 20

  • 21-30

  • 31-40

  • 41-50

  • 51-60

  • 61-70

  • 71-80

  • Over 80

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Devotee of OCD
At 52 - slightly younger than the largest group in this poll it seems :blush:

Not taking tomorrow for granted - and maximising every day (Physically) as my body allows !

Probably too much of a saver (Parental advice and Genetics are hard to overcome) but trying to enjoy life too.

Spat my dummy out to my Boss very recently, told him i'd got too much on my plate and was ready to walk.
Got a large pay-rise and an extra weeks paid holiday per year. Just need to de-stress and have some more
time to myself. I'd (Wrongly !) imagined getting 'older' was easier...........
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I'm 68. To be honest I don't feel any differnt than I did when I was 30. I still do and say stupid things. Mr WD rolls his eyes at me when I do.

I might have to grow old, but I don't have to grow up or mature.

My grandchildren seem to like me and like to spend time with me and tell me all their problems. My son and daughter think I am as made as a box of frogs.


Senior Member
In fact there have been some 2700 recorded deities in human history, from Ishtar to Allah. While I am happy to believe in all of them, I don’t think they have anything to do with me. As none of them have complained, I’m assuming the arrangement is agreeable to all parties.

You've missed a few. Better start making more arrangements.

At least 18,000 different gods, goddesses and various animals or objects have been worshipped by humans.


Hong Kong
People do get confused because of the beard.

Not a problem I have. I can never grow one.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Thanks all - seems the median age is maybe low-60s; which is a bit more than I was expecting!

When I was a mere lad of 62 I was really proud of my fitness.
Then life bit me on the arse.
Now, some days I struggle to get around the house.
Sorry to hear that... although I think for many who don't stay on top of their health / fitness this can happen sooner so your work probably wasn't wasted :smile:

My mind feels a lot younger than my 56 years, but increasingly my eyes and joints are feeling older than that.
Indeed - can identify with that; joints seem to be particularly problematic.

It seems like a simple straightforward question, but you have the ability to change your vote if you so desire. :wacko:
I fear commitment so left that option in ;)

Forum does seem "older" than I thought

I sort of expected the average to be a section or so younger
but maybe that is just the people who will consider replying to this thread!
Yup, I thought the same. I expected a pretty mature demographic given some of the discussion topics and attitudes towards cycling (less obsession with speed, more with distance / experience)..

I think it reflects the modern cycling demographic.
I think it's probably a bit deeper than that - I see plenty of younger folks on bikes; the age of the forum is probably more a reflection of the choice of platform. Also I guess the entrenched, more mature tastes of the forum won't cater for everyone who rides and will likely look elsewhere.

I'm 41. Didn't click on the voting options as I was in the same category as 50 year olds. Can't have that on my conscience.
You're letting the side down!

At 52 - slightly younger than the largest group in this poll it seems :blush:

Not taking tomorrow for granted - and maximising every day (Physically) as my body allows !

Probably too much of a saver (Parental advice and Genetics are hard to overcome) but trying to enjoy life too.

Spat my dummy out to my Boss very recently, told him i'd got too much on my plate and was ready to walk.
Got a large pay-rise and an extra weeks paid holiday per year. Just need to de-stress and have some more
time to myself. I'd (Wrongly !) imagined getting 'older' was easier...........
Good work on all fronts and yes; I'm trying to do the same. Increasingly painfully aware of march of time, trying to minimise its ravages by getting / staying fit.. it's depressing to see a the health of a lot of friends of my age falling off a cliff :sad:

I'm 54, How old are you Wafter?
43... as others have said mentally I don't feel like it, although physically I'm certainly starting to look a bit frayed around the edges..
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