Schoolboy jobs:
1966/67 ish. Milk round, 10 or 11 years old so and I think for about a year or so. Delivered the milk, then collected the money on Saturday on my bike.
1969 ish Fruit shop assistant for a few months.
1970 Paper round but not for long.
1971 Llangollen wharf summer job horse drawn boats. Catching horses, riding bareback to the wharf, feeding, grooming, harnessing, steering boat, taking money.
1972-1974 back to the fruit shop every weekend and all school holidays. Left school in '74. Still did the odd day post '74 when on leave from the MN.
Err, proper jobs:
1974-1980 seagoing engineeer, Merchant Navy.
1981-1984 corrosion control engineer.
1984-1987 R&D engineer, mainly heat pump development.
1987-2013 Various positions at Caterpillar. Test engineer, project manager, new product manager, quality manager, compliance engineer (demoted still had a job after the 2008 crash).
2013 to date. Retired early, conservation volunteer two and a half days a week.