How many changes of job have you had?

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Velo, boulot, dodo
Very few. f I don't include temporary warehouse work and my one day as assistant to a swimming pool installer (lots of shovelling involved) I've worked at the same place for 27 years, although what with buyouts and stuff not the same company. I've changed job a lot though, starting as a lab tech in quality control, working in production making adhesives, and for many years have worked in R&D as a formulation chemist.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Only by reading the first page of this thread I can see what I already knew :smile:
Those with more interesting and/or better paid jobs stay in their roles for longer, bar forced retirement or redundancy.
I had at least as many jobs as you @Brandane - all low paid and with unsociable hours.
Currently almost 8 years in my present one, only lasted so long because is varied and has flexible hours.
When work starts getting routine I get bored and leave, or get another job, have two on the go for the change.
Of course, should I be in the job market now, I would have problems getting another one due to my age :sad:
Schoolboy jobs:
1966/67 ish. Milk round, 10 or 11 years old so and I think for about a year or so. Delivered the milk, then collected the money on Saturday on my bike.
1969 ish Fruit shop assistant for a few months.
1970 Paper round but not for long.
1971 Llangollen wharf summer job horse drawn boats. Catching horses, riding bareback to the wharf, feeding, grooming, harnessing, steering boat, taking money.
1972-1974 back to the fruit shop every weekend and all school holidays. Left school in '74. Still did the odd day post '74 when on leave from the MN.

Err, proper jobs:
1974-1980 seagoing engineeer, Merchant Navy.
1981-1984 corrosion control engineer.
1984-1987 R&D engineer, mainly heat pump development.
1987-2013 Various positions at Caterpillar. Test engineer, project manager, new product manager, quality manager, compliance engineer (demoted still had a job after the 2008 crash).
2013 to date. Retired early, conservation volunteer two and a half days a week.


What’s the point
Apprentice electrician , 2 companies
Electrician, 2 companies
Foreman electrician, 2 companies
Electrical construction manager 2 companies incl present
National Electrical inspection manager ( present )

Good at what I do and enjoy it , been with same company 9 years now , before that longest was 5 years ( twice)


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Window Cleaner was my summer holiday job during school years then became full time.
Did a trial with the Fire Brigade. Didn't like that, much too hard work.
Became an apprentice plasterer. Lasted 8 weeks. Far too hard work and far too mucky.
By chance I got a job in the music business, or more precisely tour merchandise. Going on the road with bands such as Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Cocteu Twins, Duran Duran, Southern Death Cult and other such poptastic bands. That lasted a couple of years then got a job in a book warehouse.
Soon got bored with that thengot a job in a record company warehouse. Shifting boxes of LP's and CD's about. Moved into sales, selling music to UK record shops. Then got a job with a German metal label called Noise. Found myself back out on the road with some huge Metal bands of the time doing tour management. That was an awesome job apart from having to deal with certain bands who acted like complete cretins and was like dealing with children. Got laid off after a few years so went back into selling and buying music for an export music company. Got the boot from that and joined the Reggae label Trojan in sales (I hate reggae but it was a job). Lasted 7 years there until it was sold to another company. Was offered a job at the other company (Sanctuary) but didn't fancy that so moved to another sales company. That lasted a couple of years until the MD decided he wanted to start a new company, so took myself with him and 5 others to start our own new music/film/entertainment company. This was 2003 and we have been trading ever since.
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Legendary Member
Ive only had 3 full time jobs;




Part time I did a spot of factory and door work before taking The Queens shilling.
Two separate careers. One in teaching, the other in the Middle East and Africa in development.

Lord knows how many jobs - I think the longest I spent in one post in 40 years was 3 years.

And now I'm on supply teaching. Keeping an eye out for those funny little corners in schools, where the kids that find school desperately hard wind up; the ones that so many teachers just can't cope with .... and having a ball.
Pretendy jobs that paid for booze and fags

Caravan undersealer
Bouncy Castle operator
Bingo caller
Dodgem/ Grand National/ Speedway/ Waltzer operator
Fish fryer

Boring jobs that paid the mortgage

Apprentice technical Supervisor
Quality control/ technical services manager
Postman opg
Postman phg
Regional Distribution Center manager
Postman opg

Need to get back to the pretendy jobs, much more fun :smile:

Oh and Author, see sig :tongue:
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