How do you communicate?

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slow horse

Well-Known Member
You may find the text here to be somewhat amusing and this is one of the brands that some love to hate.
Well within my price range, but I'd probably end up with ink all over the place. I've just watched the unboxing video: "The ultimate pen for explorers, creatives, and achievers" it says on the box, making me sad I never did choose the explorer career path. Inside is a card with a QR code for pen instructions, which is a bit too new-fangled for my taste.
At school I used to get complimented on my handwriting (The only thing I ever did get complimented on). My writing is now so bad that I often can't read notes I have left to myself.

Typing is now so universal that handwriting is rarely needed, which in my opinion is all for the better. I can remember many a time having to struggle to decipher a letter from someone, not necessarily because their writing was bad but because the style they used was different to the norm.

I now regard a handwritten letter as a good way to annoy someone you don't like.
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