How do you communicate?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
looked like a literate spider was doing it for me.

A teacher called my writing that of a drunken spider. That was back in the 70s. Not sure it’s improved but since my writing is on,y for myself these days, it’s not important.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Obviously I communicate here on CC. Then the same as most folk these days. via email. Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, texting on my phone etc. I only send the odd message a day by the way. I'm not one of those constantly at it. I don't like long phone calls due to speech problems, but short ones are ok and as for writing a letter, I haven't done that for must be over a decade and like others my handwriting which wasn't the best in handwriting days has got a lot worse. I still write notes to post through doors and to put on badly parked cars and stuff, like the one below I stuck on someone's pavement blocking vehicle the other night. I even spelt considerately wrong, but I was fuming so I searched frantically for some paper to write on, with a mission of 'get that note stuck on the windscreen before the bugger drives off'!!!

View attachment 749888

The 'disabled folk' was for I suppose anyone who as I stated, needs more than one foot of pavement. It had the desired affect as today the same vehicle was parked 'only' one foot on the pavement, not nearly the whole pavement, like the other night!

The note can be shortened.



How, well a bonfire and a blanket in the garden.


Well-Known Member
One of the challenges with modern communications is reliability. Talk on the phone to a real person and you know they have received what you say. Message with delivery confirmation and at best that says it's been delivered (not to who or what nor if read ...). Signal message system is good in that regard as it has both delivery confirmation and read confirmation.

Emails tend to go to people but can be incorrectly delivered to an ignored junk folder. (Bouncing back is rare these days)

For me the worst is a web form. My experience is they are least reliable.

These days I wont online order through any web shop that doesn't give a real phone number so, should there be problems I know I can contact somebody. Web shops that don't provide phone numbers probably lose out as I can't believe I'm the only person requiring a phone number.

Good evening,

There has been a little bit of a revival of the fountain pen and I still use one to jot down notes during the working day.

Along with this revival a portion of the fountain pen enthusiasts are getting very worked up about cheap imports being sold as luxury items. To my mind they read a bit like the rants against £10K Pinarello riders or Dura Ace is overpriced rubbish and everyone shoud ride Claris.

You may find the text here to be somewhat amusing and this is one of the brands that some love to hate.

If you have nothing better to do it may be intesting to see people getting worked up about what to me is just a commodity product, just like the bike may be to them.


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Legendary Member
Fountain pen? We don't use that new fangled rubbish here.

A quill and vellum, or a stone tablet for really important communications. And don't get me started on those posh sorts thet mortgage themselves to the hilt for cave paintings.


fountain pen,a bloody FOUNTAIN PEN,who do you think you are.Lord Snooty,A set of roller ball pens three red,black and blue £1 yes a £1 from one of them discount high street shops poundthingy places,going to see me out,and they write lovely.They write other words also.


Well-Known Member
There has been a little bit of a revival of the foutain pen
Once or twice a year I fill one of mine, use it for a bit but as my main handwriting use is brief temporary notes fountain pen not ideal.

Wonder if used more in the days when we'd post letters meaning more handwriting. But cost of posting a letter that is often delayed ... email cheaper, faster and more reliable.

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