How do you communicate?

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
What'sApp all the way ^_^
in a recent instance I got an electrician to fix a heating problem but only spoke to him when he arrived at my door.
Twice at least: I have gotten estimates, got the job done, got a picture of the man while he was doing the job, paid, shared the expense with neighbors, all without face to face meeting the tradesman or the neighbors :becool:
Well, we all have jobs, different working hours - tradesmen included, I bet they are happy not to have to answer a call while up a ladder.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Obviously I communicate here on CC. Then the same as most folk these days. via email. Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, texting on my phone etc. I only send the odd message a day by the way. I'm not one of those constantly at it. I don't like long phone calls due to speech problems, but short ones are ok and as for writing a letter, I haven't done that for must be over a decade and like others my handwriting which wasn't the best in handwriting days has got a lot worse. I still write notes to post through doors and to put on badly parked cars and stuff, like the one below I stuck on someone's pavement blocking vehicle the other night. I even spelt considerately wrong, but I was fuming so I searched frantically for some paper to write on, with a mission of 'get that note stuck on the windscreen before the bugger drives off'!!!


The 'disabled folk' was for I suppose anyone who as I stated, needs more than one foot of pavement. It had the desired affect as today the same vehicle was parked 'only' one foot on the pavement, not nearly the whole pavement, like the other night!
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Über Member
Yoghurt pot and string, it does have it’s drawbacks though.

On the plus side, it is less likely to explode.


For important stuff, much prefer face to face or speak personally (even though I'm a fair introvert). even if that's on the phone. For instance, when the process first started with 2 grand daughters going into care...I found myself texting the head of social all felt a bit remote so I asked him, can I ring you ?
You get a far better personal connection with the person...
I've spent a working life in engineering and much of it on the phone for all sorts of reasons so it comes naturally (it doesn't for some)
Family, we all meet often enough although texts are useful...but then they complain (light heartedly) I never reply. I usually absorb what I need to and move on, probably a bit careless of me but...

Whatever means are convenient for the rest, I still write notes whenever I can but havnt sent a proper letter in decades.


All at sea⛵
WhatsApp, sometimes activity related groups, does for a lot of stuff.
Email does for a lot of stuff.

Management & I share an app that's our shopping list. We do talk if it's really necessary.
Actual phone less and less as my hearing deteriorates. Not helped by the " I am good in speaking the English, yes" brigade.
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