How do you communicate?

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I prefer to speak with a real person but more and more is electronic. Synthetic voices annoy me and they can never understand my replies due probably to accent.
Text messaging is now more common and in a recent instance I got an electrician to fix a heating problem but only spoke to him when he arrived at my door. When my son is away I communicate with DIL via text initially before calling to speak.
Email is commonly used rather than old fashioned pen and ink or even printed from a computer.
How does everyone else manage?


Legendary Member
So much is electronic now that the last time I actually had to write with a pen, I was finding it quite awkward and my writing looked even worse than it used to. :laugh:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Whatever feels appropriate at the time in terms of who I am communicating with and what the communication is about.

Family & close friends I mainly talk or WA. Talk if we really have something to talk about & WA if there is cause for a short & snappy message.

Email used increasingly rarely these days.

Written word virtually zero apart from 'love you' sticky notes & cards for Mrs SD.

The rest of the world: I have little interest in talking to at all, especially chirpy, happy people who want to speak to me whilst renewing some sort of utility/annual service contract. Just give me an online form and that's enough for me.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
So much is electronic now that the last time I actually had to write with a pen, I was finding it quite awkward and my writing looked even worse than it used to. :laugh:
I was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago! I was scribbling a shopping list at the time and it looked like a literate spider was doing it for me.

slow horse

Well-Known Member
How does everyone else manage?
Email and text, mostly, though I'd love to try skywriting one day.

last time I actually had to write with a pen, I was finding it quite awkward and my writing looked even worse than it used to. :laugh:
Same here; you'd think I was a doctor. I'm so used to typing, writing longhand almost hurts.

I have little interest in talking to at all, especially chirpy, happy people who want to speak to me whilst renewing some sort of utility/annual service contract.
It's very hard not to be rude in my rush to get off the phone with people trying to sell me things, but sometimes needs must.
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Legendary Member
As little as possible.


Sisters and brother via phone about once a week. Lady friend face to face or WhatsApp she's the only person I know who uses it. 99% of emails are from courier firms and don't need answering. Cold callers I don't even swear at anymore, I just hang up. A few friends via text or facebook others by phone. Last time I wrote a letter, can't remember, must have been over twenty years ago. Haven't used semaphore in a long while either.


Ouija board,reminds me of a demonstration i went to via church.A faith healing course.To cut a long story short.We had to place our hand or hands on the poorly part of our body and pray.So me having prostate problems i placed my hands between my legs.Mrs P said its a faith healing course,not a raising of the dead.
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