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I will be asking him to explain about the distance in stack height and stem as in the diagram it says 80mm but I'm sure the one which is on there at the moment is longer. Plus the height on the stem.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I will be asking him to explain about the distance in stack height and stem as in the diagram it says 80mm but I'm sure the one which is on there at the moment is longer. Plus the height on the stem.

I think the photo was your old setup?

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Still no decent pictures of either bike or bars. And the desired dimensions are on a crappy screengrab which I'm impressed others can read.
Here's my hypothesis:
The issue is that either the frame's too small (still no proper dimensions shared) or that the steerer has been cut too short and forced to use a ghastly high angle stem to get the bars up closer to saddle height.
I suspect the OP's 'ape factor' is below 1.
All this will explain back/hand/wrist pain (see other thread(s)) as too much of their weight is being supported thereby.
The bike fitter (we still haven't heard what sort of person this was/is) has moved the OP's saddle forward so the hoods are less of a stretch. But the short steerer has forced a decent length stem at an angle to get the height, which has pushed the bars forward: more of a stretch.
See @T4tomo 's comments above ref drop bar shape.
To get weight off the hands, the saddle needs to go back (counter intuitively) but that would mean the hoods are out of the OP's reach, comfortably.
N+1, or stick with the Dawes (I'm biassed).
I want the OP to be successful on his planned 200s (next one with >4000m of scenery!) and ride without expecting back/hand pain.
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Grimpeur des terrains plats
My bikes are set up for comfort,(live with a prolapse disc) so I tend to have a high stack & riser stems, depending on the camera angle, can look a bit 'different' all work and from each bike in use all feel comfy for me...
See photos below... Unless they are above ;)


  • IMG_2361.jpeg
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  • IMG_2362.jpeg
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My bikes are set up for comfort,(live with a prolapse disc) so I tend to have a high stack & riser stems, depending on the camera angle, can look a bit 'different' all work and from each bike in use all feel comfy for me...
See photos below... Unless they are above ;)

Shocking..🤣 not at home to post my setup!


Slippery scientist
It’s been mentioned a couple of times in passing, but not really addressed. The location of those shifters on the bars is not helping matters, and I suspect these were not moved during the fit so were like that originally and possibly forever?


Legendary Member
It’s been mentioned a couple of times in passing, but not really addressed. The location of those shifters on the bars is not helping matters, and I suspect these were not moved during the fit so were like that originally and possibly forever?

Bars were rotated as mentioned by OP somewhere, to get tops flatter, despite those shape bars not designed for that. OP really needs some compact from fully U shaped bars.

Maybe fitting man has told him this but he doesn't want to spend any money
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