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Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
That looks all wrong to me.
With the hoods at that angle I’d be getting severe wrist pain.
What size is your bike and how tall are you, is the bike a bit too small?


The bike is a 56cm and I'm 5ft 10 I've always had a 56cm so it's not the wrong frame size.
I suspect there is more to this than what has been told.

Were you prepared to buy a new stem, possibly a layback seat post, different bar design and width or did you just agree to make the best of it on a budget?

My honest opinion is that it doesn’t look very good at all! The shifters need moving down a good inch and then probably narrower bars ( I go with suit jacket size) with a short reach.


I'll have a look when I get home I think if you want the seat near the same height as your handlebars your going to have to stick a ton of spaces or like mine put s stem with a really heigh angle to bring you up.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Looking over this thread again i would say the fitter doesnt know what hes doing and i would not trust them , i would look for another fitter.
as @I like Skol said a quick way to remedy your current fit is to reposition the levers and the bars and re wrap .


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Looking over this thread again i would say the fitter doesnt know what hes doing and i would not trust them , i would look for another fitter.
just done this quick on a stem comparison site , 120 mm at 30 angle vs a 80 mm flat stem

Red stem has 2mm more reach and is 88mm higher than Blue stem.


That's what I thought I was looking at my dawes audax frame it has a different geometry than the genisis I thought if I changed frames would I need to seat to be so high as yhe one on my genisis as its slopes a bit. Then I wouldn't have to have such a high stack what do you think?


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As long as I breathe, I attack.
where did you get the genesis from and have you checked the measurements ,? i am not saying its wrong but it does look small to me as i have been misold frames before now .Hard to tell without comparisons and i always end up on bikes that are on the large side of my sizing as im 5 foot 7
This was my current summer bike


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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I've never understood this bike fit thing! Never had one and never intend to. Have owned a variety of bikes and always managed to achieve good positions on them all that felt just right (apart from one where I followed the manufacturers guide and ended up with a frame slightly on the large side and while comfortable always just felt unwieldy, later replaced with the next size down where I am close to the upper limit for height but feels superb).

If something doesn't feel right then change it, a little bit of trial and error can soon find you in a more comfortable position. There are many changes that can be made without buying new parts. Saddle height/fore-aft position/angle, Stems can be flipped and spacers altered, bar angle tweaked, shoe cleats moved (if riding clipped in) all without spending a penny. Changing stems is relatively cheap, rewrapping bars to move brake hoods is a DIY job for some while others will need a shop to do this. No need to spend hundreds plus parts on a 'professional' bike fit only to still be unhappy with the result.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I bought the bike second hand a few years ago it does say 56cm on the frame and that's my size.

FWIW here’s my Genesis. I’m 5’9.5, long legged female, that’s a 54cm with a 100mm flipped stem and slight layback post. SRAM Rival 10 speed. 38cm bar. Works for me
ahh the seatpost looks long as its a compact frame which was hard to tell from the OPs 1st post , fair enough im just trying to eliminate the obvious first .
my giant has a lot of post showing but has the same set up as the boardman


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As long as I breathe, I attack.
I set my bike up using Bernard Hinault's Racing and Training book. Then all the rest of my bikes are based upon the same measurements (as close as you can get them).

my set up falls within those figures too , i just cant get my head around why the fitter would set it up like that . @TAV have you any other bikes to compare against ?
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