I've never understood this bike fit thing! Never had one and never intend to. Have owned a variety of bikes and always managed to achieve good positions on them all that felt just right (apart from one where I followed the manufacturers guide and ended up with a frame slightly on the large side and while comfortable always just felt unwieldy, later replaced with the next size down where I am close to the upper limit for height but feels superb).
If something doesn't feel right then change it, a little bit of trial and error can soon find you in a more comfortable position. There are many changes that can be made without buying new parts. Saddle height/fore-aft position/angle, Stems can be flipped and spacers altered, bar angle tweaked, shoe cleats moved (if riding clipped in) all without spending a penny. Changing stems is relatively cheap, rewrapping bars to move brake hoods is a DIY job for some while others will need a shop to do this. No need to spend hundreds plus parts on a 'professional' bike fit only to still be unhappy with the result.