Gordon Ramsay down.

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North Shields
I don't really want to drag this into that debate, as this will just get closed. Suffice to say, I just think its a missed opportunity.

Entirely fair. I certainly wasn't trying to go down that route.


I know of one of his business deals and he is a shoot. Person who bought the business he ran down had to sign a non disclosure to not reveal what nastiness he had done to the workforce. They will be pleased he is hurting.

I know a couple as well but he was very much hands off in a new whisky distillery on the east coast.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
But again, the helmet did its job. I always wear a helmet even tho I am on a trike and dont have very far to fall.
Is its job to destroy itself spectacularly in a crash involving an impact on the helmet outside the normally tested protective area and thereby sell more helmets? As the photos I've seen don't look like the required protective area was impacted much. Star wars stormtrooper armour would probably have helped him more.

Glad he's OK. Pretty unsurprised he's crashed from how he's ridden in TV charity shows. Wish he hadn't exploited the crash to spout nonsense.


Legendary Member
But again, the helmet did its job. I always wear a helmet even tho I am on a trike and dont have very far to fall.

And you base that observation upon what, exactly?

Unless you are a suitably qualified engineer with knowledge of the collision you can only speculate as to the efficacy or otherwise of the bonce potty.
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Legendary Member
Ah but did he say that or is it Torygraph bulldust, who can tell

He was quoted in the Times as saying it saved his life, but I can't find the article now.

This is his instragram post:

In a post on his Instagram, Ramsay wrote in the caption: "Sound ON and plz Swipe through…..with #FathersDay tomorrow I have very important message for all the dads out there…WEAR A HELMET !

"This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut. I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato.

"I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be safe Gx".


He was quoted in the Times as saying it saved his life, but I can't find the article now.

This is his instragram post:

In a post on his Instagram, Ramsay wrote in the caption: "Sound ON and plz Swipe through…..with #FathersDay tomorrow I have very important message for all the dads out there…WEAR A HELMET !

"This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut. I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato.

"I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be safe Gx".

He definitely said it, I saw the video as that's what prompted the thread.


Isn't it weird that everyone who comes off their bike and ends up with a badly damaged helmet which has protected their noggin thinks that helmets are incredibly useful.

I've never yet seen anyone who came off their bike and whacked their head who said "see - I told you helmets were pointless!"
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