I first saw this as a CCTV video posted on twitter. The driver flies down the pavement - behind parked cars - so fast that it's hard to believe what you're seeing.
Then I read about the results. Just sickening
For some reason this incident has really got to me: in the same few days we've had this, a death on the M20, Iain Duncan Smith story about how "Cyclists should be driven off the roads", and media headlines dominated by a young foolish celeb who fell off a hotel balcony, no mention of innocents being killed daily.

Then I read about the results. Just sickening
For some reason this incident has really got to me: in the same few days we've had this, a death on the M20, Iain Duncan Smith story about how "Cyclists should be driven off the roads", and media headlines dominated by a young foolish celeb who fell off a hotel balcony, no mention of innocents being killed daily.