Going through the motions...

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Legendary Member
Chuffy said:
Is this a trick question? :?:

I'm sure he hasn't done it on purpose full stop.....;)

Look, I've got nothing against him, perfectly nice chap and all that, but if I never saw him or my sister again it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I don't do family...

If it doesnt bother you if you never see them again, then dont send anything at all, why worry?

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
We all go through different phases in our relationship with our siblings. Don't do anything to exacerbate the situation - simple platitudes won't hurt you.

Who knows later in life, you might grow closer and it would be a shame to have made things worse over what you consider to be lofty principles but to many of us, look more like complete bollocks.
Send him a packet of condoms with a message attached, "Next time WEAR ONE OF THESE, you prat".

I can see where you're coming from, I have a niece who must be about fifteen and I have only ever seen her twice, and both of those were by accident.


Smokin Joe said:
Send him a packet of condoms with a message attached, "Next time WEAR ONE OF THESE, you prat".

I can see where you're coming from, I have a niece who must be about fifteen and I have only ever seen her twice, and both of those were by accident.
My sister has three and I can only remember the names of two of them.

Tim - fair enough, who know what the future might bring? But it's not principles as such, just a deep seated aversion to being backed into a corner and having to hack out such platitudes.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
I havent seen my uncle and auntie that lives down in London for a while, they never bothered to send me a birthday card, and said it was my mums fault because she didnt remind him:wacko: And he is too busy to look on a calender, as they have two young kids.
I have seen one a few times, and the other one(the younger one, thats over a year now) once, and that was a long time ago.
I dont go down to see them, and reluctantly put my name in the cards sent down there.
Just send an email saying,
"Well done, you knocked your GF(or wife, whatever) up, we are all very proud of you(not that people havent already been doing it for a long time now).
Much love

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Chuffy you suprise me, I thought you were always in control of your feelings so some advice. Give Baggy a kiss, tell her you love her and then turn over and go to sleep and forget Aussie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nothing in moderation
Keith Oates said:
Chuffy you suprise me, I thought you were always in control of your feelings so some advice. Give Baggy a kiss, tell her you love her and then turn over and go to sleep and forget Aussie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…and hope she doesn't get any ideas :rolleyes:


Cycling in the sun
Why not keep your mum happy and send a quick note saying Congratulations and include a video for the baby of their respectable uncle dancing (the YMCA one) and offering the future child guidance ... and you shouldn't hear from them ever again:biggrin:.


Chuffy said:
...it's not principles as such, just a deep seated aversion to being backed into a corner and having to hack out such platitudes.
Which is perfectly OK!

If your mother is pained by this, I'm afraid that is her problem. Make a stand now and she might just learn to refrain from hassling you with things that bother her, but are without meaning for you.


Perhaps a little distancing from your parents would be no bad thing... temporarily, at least, until your mother gets the message.

Blood is not thicker than water, as you seem to know. Spend more time with Mrs Chuffy and friends, I would. Oh shoot, here I am, sounding like bleedin' Yoda...


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Family's pah, you can't pick them. My scrounging workshy sister and waster of a brother in law live less than 1 mile away and I have had the misfortune of seeing them twice in the last year. If I were you I would not bother sending anything.
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