Very odd one today. We administer all the lost and abandoned bikes in Tübingen, and for this the city rents a warehouse to keep them in; this is a responsibility I'm taking over.
Today one of the city staff that occasionally delivers bikes was told, inaccurately, that we planned to use it to store 50 donated bikes that were arriving this morning, and for some reason he really got one on him. By the time he came to my boss and I, this person had worked himself into a fine froth and marched over our car park shouting as he did in the pseudo jovial manner of someone pretending to be polite while intending to give someone a b*ll*cking:
City employee (CE): "Now what's this I hear about you using our warehouse to store your bikes? That isn't your warehouse and we pay [lots] in rent every year to keep that, I'm not impressed to hear that you are using it for your bikes: we need that space free so we can put all our bikes in there and if we find it full of someone else's that's out of order and...
(This goes on for some time, until...)
Boss: I'm not sure why they told you that, we only use the warehouse for the abandoned and lost bikes or bikes the police give us; donated bikes stay here.
CE: But there were more bikes here last week, and they're all gone.
AinG (me): Yes, those were brought from [bike parking facility that belongs to the city]; they were abandoned. We've documented them and taken them to the warehouse.
CE: (Pause) Well that's all very well, but you can't go using our warehouse to store your bikes.
Boss: We know that, these donated bikes will be sold onto [Bike repairman] this week.
CE: Fine, but I'n telling you our warehouse is not for you to store donated bikes, it is only for bikes that were abandoned or lost, and I'm not at all happy with this.
Boss: With what? We only lost and abandoned bikes from the city are in the warehouse, as agreed.
CE: I'm not happy that you are using our warehouse for your bikes. It's not there for that, and we pay [lots] every year to have the space. You don't pay for it, the city does, and you have no business using it for your bikes...
AinG: Here's a plan of the warehouse and the bikes in there. Every bay has a date on it (bikes are kept for six months for owners to reclaim them) so we know when they'll be free for us to dispose of. That's all that is there: our bikes are here.
CE: That's all very well, but you can't go using our warehouse to store your bikes (and on, and on, while my boss and I look at each other wondering if this person is on the same planet...)