Give me some dialogue from your day

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Phone displayed number call, Indian sounding gent asks...
'Good evening, can I speak to Mr ....(me)?'

'No'...and the phone was replaced on its reciever in the same breath :laugh:


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Phone displayed number call, Indian sounding gent asks...
'Good evening, can I speak to Mr ....(me)?'

'No'...and the phone was replaced on its reciever in the same breath :laugh:
I very nearly did that once, except that it was an African accent.
Very glad I didn't give the rude reply, as it was someone from a company in Ghana I'd done some work for in the past, wanting me to email my bank account details so they could pay me a bit more they owed me.
(And I knew the chap's name and had actually met him, so def. not a Nigerian scam!)
But I had very nearly been as a result I usually let the calls get as far as telling me my computer is running slow, or they can help me with my recent accident, before I put the phone down!
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Legendary Member
London, UK
I was approaching a zebra crossing where I guy was waiting to cross. I stopped and unclipped (can't track stand to save my life). In the meantime a woman who was staring at her phone was walking towards the zebra crossing but bounced into the guy. The guy probably thought it's his lucky day and they both initiated some banter.

I figure they won't cross the road so I clipped I'm and proceeded. At this time the two pedestrians started crossing the road and wanting to impress his new lady friend, the guy started shouting at me for being on the zebra crossing.

If I wasn't such a wuss, I'd have words.


Well, if they weren't actually on the zebra crossing but on the pavement ... they are on the pavement and you don't have to stop.


Walking thru' the woods and coming the other way is a bloke and his daughter - wee moppet, maybe three? A crow in the treetops: "What's that?" says the little girl. "A bird," says her father. "Tweet tweet, tweet tweet," says she. I'm thinking: actually, crows aren't very 'tweet tweet' birds at all really. Clearly the exact same thought has been going through her mind, as she suddenly declares: "Bah...bah...bah..." - a sound very much closer to the noise the crow made.


I hate it when people ask you..
'What do YOU think ?'

I think to's YOUR decision, not mine, why are you asking me, blame sharing if it's the wrong decision ?, or worse still...'HE (me) suggested it !!!

So I responded...
'Not really up to me is it'
'Yebbut, what about blah blah' she persisted...

So I use my 'uncommited' response...
'Up to might be OK, it probably will be but there's no guarantee, so just go one way or the other and stick by it.

FFS, can you just do your job without involving me....


Over head in the changing rooms at the pool today:

Little girl : What's 1000 add 100?
Lady: Oh. um.. 1001.
LG: What's 1001 add 1001?
L: (getting flustered) 2001.
LG: What's 2001 add 2001?
L: (getting more flustered) Um, 4000.
LG: What's the biggest number in the whole world?
L: Oh.. Um.. that's a silly question, um oh you silly thing , it's trillians and billions. Now go on with you...

Feeling sad for the lady.


Never used Über Member
Daughter - how did you do in Chemistry?
me - I got an A
Daughter - pushes her homework in front of me and expects the answer
me - something something atoms, something plum pudding model????!!!! erm. yes. I didn't do that.
Daughter - you didn't even have all the chemicals when you were at school did you??

Don't forget the rarest chemical element of all - unobtainium



Not really dialogue as such, since I did little more than wince, but....youngest just walked in and..."So we'd come out of school and we were running for the bus and Gabriel slipped and hit a railing with his head on the way down, and he got up and said 'I'm ok', but as he said it the side of his cheek sort of fell away and I could see his jawbone, and I said 'Gabriel, you're not ok...and you really need to put your hand up and close that wound.....' " ..and various further details which frankly I could have done without.


Legendary Member
"The organisation that you work for is no longer sustainable in its current guise and so we will be looking to merge or be taken over by another organisation to become sustainable"

Oh joy, all change again!!
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