I wandered up to the main office to get a fresh purchase order book. Our paths don't pass that much (engineers and office girls) but I always try to have a natter.
'Good God, it's hot up here' I uttered as the heat up there began to sink in
Office lady 1 instantly uttered....
'It is....thankyou for noticing

Office lady 2 looked up and said...
'oooh, that was a bit naughty

Office girl 3 sniggered...
Office lady 1 said...
'Yeah, I had a glass of wine at lunch'

as she reclined back in her chair, looking just a tad smug
I was a bit surprised tbh, it took me a couple seconds to twig....
'Jesus i'm slow today'

Later, i'm chatting with my colleague about the Rosetta space thing...
'Ive got a big problem understanding the scale of space, infinity and all that...I mean, its difficult for the human mind to comprehend WHAT infinity is....your brain can't take it in, everything in life has a border, an end..., I used to imagine all of space in a box...your brain (well mine anyway) can comprehend that.....but then I instantly thought....yeah, but whats on the other side of the box, and then, you've fooked it, you're back to square one

'You know what you need to do don't you'
'Whatsat ?'
'Think outside the box

Later, i'm talking with the wife about Christmas, apparently her dad doesn't want to buy pressies for the grown ups. The wife is not impressed, she said...
'Gawld, he doesn't want to see what ive already spent on our grandkids

