Give me some dialogue from your day

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Several for me today..
On being called to a broken flow wrapping machine with chains and rods all snapped and piled in the bowels of it ...
'Ive never even seen this machine, let alone worked on it, let alone know how it all goes back together ?..i'm told its a two to three hour job'
The reply...
'You've got two hours'
'No pressure then :laugh:'

Sometimes the younger generation remind us we're not so smart..
Reading the ingredients on a microwave meal, i said...
'Look at that, the meat content is blah blah, and 20 % of that is water...outrageous'
My youthful colleague replied..
'Yep, that right, the extra water is to help the cooking process'
'Wha ???'
'Its the water that heats up when you microwave stuff. If they didnt have extra water in it, it wouldnt cook properly'
'Oh....i never thought of that :blush::laugh:'

On completing a service of another packing machine, we wheeled it in the factory and left it where it could be seen if needed. It is large and heavy.
Female line leader (with heavy sarcasm...just her way)..
'Oi, you're not leaving that there !!'
'Can't get it over there Dawn, the way is blocked'
'Don't bull me, you're too lazy to walk round with it :laugh:'
'Health and safety, all those forklifts i'd have to avoid :rolleyes:'
'Bull, you're just being lazy, its a wonder you managed it this far :huh:'
'You're a hard ass Dawn, i'll compromise and put it over there'
'That'll do, so long as it's not in my way :thumbsup:'

The joys of working in a factory...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
My mate and I were working on a street, and a car pulled up and an old chap got out and came over to us:

Old Bloke: Now, you look like intelligent blokes...
Me: :blink:
Old Bloke, looking properly: Oh! Sorry love...

Then he asked for some directions, which we obliged with.


Me (to colleague): is the yellow bike yours?
Colleague: yes
Me: Oh. Just matching bikes to owners :smile: <looks round> do you know, there are 4 people from our team here, and we all came in by bike
<general chat about how far colleague cycles and so on>
Two more colleagues turn up
Cyclist Colleague: oh here are the car drivers bringing the side down ;)
Newly arrived colleague: what?
Cyclist Colleague: we were just saying that everyone had come in by bike when you joggers turned up and spoiled it...;)
Newly arrived colleague: ah, but we train hard so we're too tired to cycle as well ;)
Me: nicely done :smile:

(One of the two "joggers" did the Marathon des Sables multiday ultramarathon recently, and the other is training for the West Highland Way 95 mile ultra, so the abuse was entirely respectful...)


The other day, whilst working on my own in the back garden. The neighbough is on the other side of the hedge, singing and playing with her toddler daughter.

Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'


Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'


Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'


Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'


Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'


Neighbour: 'Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear...'

Me, screaming in my head: 'Oh for F*$"s sake, it's one step, two steps, tickley under there!!!'



Vice Admiral
I think you're being over optimistic on both the cost and the worth - far more likely to have cost more, and been worth less than the paper on which the estimate was written.


Or alternatively

I think you're being over optimistic on both the cost and the worth - far more likely to have cost more, and been worthless.



Or alternatively

I think you're being over optimistic on both the cost and the worth - far more likely to have cost more, and been worthless.
thanks for that ^_^


Three of us were standing there, debating the poor performance of the machine operators. There have been more cock ups than normal, they seem to be floundering, running round like headless chickens yet not achieving much.
'Too much too soon, they've not been trained for long enough then chucked in at the deep end'
'I agree, I was saying this the other day to blah blah'

My input...
'What chance have they got, Dale for instance...he can barely tie his own shoe laces FFS' :whistle:

Dale happened to be standing nearby (I knew) ..he looked up...:huh::laugh:
The other two...sniggered quietly.


My OH is just back from Italy from a business trip...

OH: would have been great to have had the camera to photo the whatsit
me: a slow and understanding "yes"
OH: and I really to see the thingy..
me: :headshake:
OH: Luca has an oval square that could be interesting
me: :wacko: thinking - this is the person that studied maths & physics at uni...

There is a piazza there built on the site of an (oval) Roman amphitheatre, so it sort of is an oval square. Did he mention the town's bike infatuation? It being the 2013 start point for the world championship? Did he at least bring you back a shirt from Antonio Poli's bike shop?


My wife thought it was a fix on my part, booking a holiday where we could see a bike shop from our hotel window (I thought it more interesting than the opera house in the same view)
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