Give me some dialogue from your day

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Nr Cambridge
Her: Wow, I don't feel totally f**ked keeping up with you
Me: Er... (just to say something about my injury)
Her: Not?, :blush: OH! :blush:... I didn't :blush: ...
Me: See you next week? Bye!
Her: Sorry!
Me (in my head): :huh: Hun, what are you going on about?
... a bit latter ...
Me: Ah!.. THAT's why **** got all flustered.
On my Sat morning rides I normally end up meeting, a rather cute, woman as I I'm doing my warm up loops & head out to the open roads. These rides are fast paced tempo rides so towards the end of the warm up loops I'm absolutely flying. Today due to a slight injury I thought I'd go for a recovery ride instead.


Internet Marketing bod
Me: Oh, it's one of those with a plastic end.
NT: Let's have a look.

<some wrangling with a Leatherman>

NT: No, that'll need sawing off.
Me: Ok, I'll unpick the fabric from the spokes anyway, we'll cut it later.
NT: See, that's when you need one of those little bandsaws....

The answer should always require the purchase of a new tool in some way. Thems the rules.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The answer should always require the purchase of a new tool in some way. Thems the rules.

With my craft activities, I always seem to need a slightly smaller version of some whopping great tool NT already has - now, now steady, stop sniggering at the back.

I swear we're the only people who walk round Axminster Tools saying "Oooh, look, this one's cute!"


..I've just realised that I'm very, very old. Witness conversation with friends son:
"What's a tape?"
"We used then to put in walkmans, because LP's could only be played on a record player"
"I don't know what any of those words do you download music to it [the tape]? How many mb was the tape?"
...and I think you know where it goes from here. And it's all downhill (for me anyway...).
Ironically, the days of downloadable individual songs mean "albums" have been replaced with "playlists".
There was one interesting part to that conversation though...he found the concept of measuring in minutes, not mb amusing. Specfically, that the quality of the recording was "fixed", and that quality did not affect capacity. AM, FM, or CD quality...if a song was 3 minutes, it only used 3 minutes of "capacity". A 60minute tape always contained 60 minutes of music, whether it was recorded off the AM radio, or off a CD.
He only knows a world where a crappy DVD rip is 500mb, full DVD quality is nearly 3gb, and Blu-ray is 25gb. Yet the film is still 2hrs long in each case.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
From the middle of last week, when we had a couple of lippy teenage lads hanging around the centre refusing to leave.

Lad, to me "Anyway, this is a community centre on Tuesdays, innit, for kids?"*
Me: So?
Lad: Well, I'm a kid.
Me: And what day is it?
Lad: Tuesday.
Me: Try again. It's Wednesday...

He was actually lost for words for a moment, couldn't think of a comeback.

*It isn't. We have conservation volunteers in on Tuesday and Thursday, but no specific kids' activities. He was just looking to score a point. And failing.

Earlier conversation, to give you a taste of their intelligence:

Lad: So why does that (our electric vehicle) need a tax disc and insurance?
Me: Because it drives on the road.
Lad: No it doesn't, it only drives round St Nicks (the nature reserve).
Me: No, it drives all over the city.
Lad: No it doesn't.
Me: Yes it does.
Lad: Well, I've never seen it.

Honestly, some kids just aren't worth the oxygen. I'd have thrown him in the pond if they'd let me.


Background - I've entered an 100km sportive (my 1st) in August, so I'm sat with Mrs pplpilot (PhD!!) telling her the ins and outs and how it would be nice for her to drop me off on the morning and see me off etc..

Me: So if you could drop me off just before 9:00 that'd be great and call by later to drive me home, don't fancy the 20 mile ride home after 100k :surrender:

Mrs pplpilot: Yea, ill hang around rather than drive home and back again, ill pop and have some breakfast with Baby pplpilot and stroll along the river, seems pointless driving 40 minutes home only to leave half hour later to drive 40 minutes back...

Me: Eh?

Mrs pplpilot: You'll only be just over an hour or two wont you?

Me: Eh? it is a hundred Kilometres dearest...

Mrs pplpilot: yea I know, that's about 60'ish mile inst it? 60miles by 30mph a tad over 2 hours you'll be finished...

Me: Eh? how do you work that out?

Mrs pplpilot: you're the engineer its not difficult maths is it really simple time/distance ?

Me: Eh? Are you saying i'll be doing 30mph for 2 hours? it's a bicycle not a car!

Mrs pplpilot: You told me you did 32mph on your bike last week end...

Me: :banghead: :cry:


Me to customer 1 "hello"
customer 1 -ignored me.
Me to customer 2 "hi,"
Customer 2 -ignored me, walks about looking lost
Me -"Can I help you find anything?"
C2, continues to ignore me, continues to wander about looking lost.
Me to customer 3 "Hello,"
C3 "hello"
Me "phew, I was beginning to think I'd disappeared again"
c3 then comes to the till to pay and tells me how much cheaper the items are online.
me - but you wouldn't have had such a nice conversation if you'd bought them online.
C3 -Well, I might but that would've been a different sort of internet site.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Me to customer 1 "hello"
customer 1 -ignored me.
Me to customer 2 "hi,"
Customer 2 -ignored me, walks about looking lost
Me -"Can I help you find anything?"
C2, continues to ignore me, continues to wander about looking lost.
Me to customer 3 "Hello,"
C3 "hello"
Me "phew, I was beginning to think I'd disappeared again"
c3 then comes to the till to pay and tells me how much cheaper the items are online.
me - but you wouldn't have had such a nice conversation if you'd bought them online.
C3 -Well, I might but that would've been a different sort of internet site.
A member of CC by any chance?:whistle:
Man one: but she says you're not allowed it on your neck
Man two: it's not about what she says, is about what I want...
Man one: I haven't got any anyway
Man two: whaaaaat? She says you have loads and when you take your shirt off you look 'orrible
Man one: she really said that did she?
Man two: yes
Man one: get the farker on your farking neck then
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