Game: Name that road!

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self serving virtue signaller
Yes, maybe update the rules. It's just a bit of fun.

I posted a very nice path for a "Name that Road" last year, which was on Google Street view.!8i3840!9m2!1b1!2i37?hl=en-GB&entry=ttu

This path here:
View attachment 714133
@ColinJ You stated "Normally, we do roads only, but since we can Streetview it, we should be able to find it.:laugh:

Don't remember that, but I think I've cycled it, is it Roman Bridges, somewhere near Chester?


Don't remember that, but I think I've cycled it, is it Roman Bridges, somewhere near Chester?

Yes, it's part of the GBDuro off road LeJog route.


That's good of you. Thanks.

Name this road. I've not cycled along here, but I have driven it.


I think Isle of Harris. (Or it's more likely to be another Scottish island.)

But, I can't find it.
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Yes, maybe update the rules. It's just a bit of fun.

I posted a very nice path for a "Name that Road" last year, which was on Google Street view.!8i3840!9m2!1b1!2i37?hl=en-GB&entry=ttu

This path here:
View attachment 714133
@ColinJ You stated "Normally, we do roads only, but since we can Streetview it, we should be able to find it.:laugh:

Ooh we did this one earlier this year. Not for the best bike that one !

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Yes, maybe update the rules. It's just a bit of fun.

I posted a very nice path for a "Name that Road" last year, which was on Google Street view.!8i3840!9m2!1b1!2i37?hl=en-GB&entry=ttu

This path here:
View attachment 714133
@ColinJ You stated "Normally, we do roads only, but since we can Streetview it, we should be able to find it.:laugh:

Me too!


Mr Celine

A bridleway isn't a road! :laugh:

I have nearly posted Street-Viewed bridleways and/or cyclepaths in the past but decided against it because of my own t & c. (Given my poor memory, it is possible that I actually DID but have forgotten doing so!) There are lots of paths now that people have taken handheld Street View cameras on and it will become increasingly common in the future. Bearing that in mind... IS IT TIME TO CHANGE THE RULES OF THE GAME TO: ANYWHERE IN THE UK WHERE WE HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO CYCLE AND THERE IS STREET VIEW COVERAGE?

Thanks to Scotland's access rights I can legally cycle across any moorland, grassy field, woodland etc etc. I frequently exercise this right ...


... and there is a streetview 'blue spot' at this location.


I think the existing challenge is hard enough!
I think Isle of Harris. (Or it's more likely to be another Scottish island.)

But, I can't find it.
Whilst I suspect I have driven close to every road on the Isle of Harris, there not being terribly many, this is not one of them. And whilst I've been to a great many Scottish islands, this isn't necessarily one of those either.

And as an aside, it's a NO! from me re 'anywhere legal to cycle with Streetview coverage', as so nicely demonstrated by @Mr Celine , though I'm sure that location is pretty easy to find.

Here's the current NTR again to save paging and possible footpath-related confusion ...
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I'm glad I deleted 'this should be quite easy' from the original post then ...

I'll narrow it down a bit: it's not Scotland. And for good measure: it's not East Anglia either.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well, there certainly are some very nice roads in that area... Unfortunately, I haven't tracked down the right one!

I was thinking in the distance is either Snowdon or Cadair Idris. The walls in the Cadair Idris area are made of rounded stone blocks whereas Snowdon are more slatey so my guess IS that we are looking at Snowdon (or very close to it.)

I am busy the next few days. I imagine that the road will have been located before Sunday, but if not I will have another look then.
Whilst I suspect I have driven close to every road on the Isle of Harris, there not being terribly many, this is not one of them. And whilst I've been to a great many Scottish islands, this isn't necessarily one of those either.

And as an aside, it's a NO! from me re 'anywhere legal to cycle with Streetview coverage', as so nicely demonstrated by @Mr Celine , though I'm sure that location is pretty easy to find.

Here's the current NTR again to save paging and possible footpath-related confusion ...
View attachment 714173

I'm getting N Wales vibes somewhere by Portmeirion way. But I could be miles off.
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