Game: Name that road!

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Mr Celine

Looks uphill, but either you're Bradley Wiggins or the speed indicates a down slope.
I can confirm that I'm not Bradley Wiggins.

Mid day with the sun dead ahead - I conclude you are heading south. Unless you are in the southern hemisphere ...........

The roolz say it has to be in the UK, which is all in the northern hemisphere. This ride was during BST so about 15 degrees less than south, depending on the time of local solar noon.

I noticed that. I reckon it is the uphill slope out of a dip which has just been descended into at speed. Maybe even that first dip on the profile on the GPS?

That isn't a GPS profile it's my heart rate! The descent has slackened somewhat but the road continues downhill towards... a summit!

Is that a dam up ahead ?


Kilometre nibbler
I think there's a giant chicken on top of this tree

Mr Celine

Well done @Aravis . No one seems to have spotted the train in the background - this is the view round the corner.


The Waverley Route Heritage Association play with trains at Whitrope Summit and have two sets of Pacers, a class of train which thankfully never saw service in Scotland. In my previous photo the trackbed of the Waverley line has just emerged from the (partially collapsed) Whitrope Tunnel but is still climbing at 1 in 90 towards its summit, whereas I was already bombing downhill from mine.

Over to you.
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