Game: Name that road!

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
We are looking pretty much north from that gate across the fields towards the distant buildings.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I can see some nearby Ws on my OS map, but nothing that identifies the hill... :wacko:

Ah, I just searched for Iron Age hill forts in Devon. I found a list of 74, including one on a hill beginning with W. No, it isn't that one. It is one of the other 73! :laugh:

Damn it’s proving elusive , close but no cigar views

Mr Celine

What's proving elusive is bing maps is refusing to work properly and won't show more than half of the OS grid squares at any one time.

Is 'steaming' a reference to Buckfast, Beer or something else?


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
It was like that last night too; I've been using

Although it's "smart search" is more than a bit fussy with spellings. Okay, Newton Abbott is a typo, but you'd think it would find something.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Is 'steaming' a reference to Buckfast, Beer or something else?
I simply meant that he had got it right with 'Iron Age hill fort'. The protected site behind the wall is that of one.

Okay, Newton Abbott is a typo, but you'd think it would find something.
I'll make it easy... It is somewhere in the area between Newton Abbot and Exeter!

Mr Celine




Puzzle game procrastinator!
At last - well done, @Mr Celine!

The site of Castle Dyke fort is behind the wall.

I cycled along that lane last year and thought that it was a pleasant route. I was looking at it again because I was thinking that I might include it in my Devon forum ride in February, but I decided against it. Maybe, we will do it another time at a drier and warmer time of year.

Anyway... over to you.

Mr Celine


Someone once complained about the scabby insulation tape on my brake cables so to avoid offending whoever it was it's hidden behind a garmin. Plenty of clues on that to get you started.


self serving virtue signaller
Looks uphill, but either you're Bradley Wiggins or the speed indicates a down slope.

I'd guess likely somewhere in the Celtic fringes, but can't see any clues as to where.
View attachment 674756
Someone once complained about the scabby insulation tape on my brake cables so to avoid offending whoever it was it's hidden behind a garmin. Plenty of clues on that to get you started.

Thank god I didnt consider a career as a detective.

Er North Wales ? Definitely somewhere that has trees and a road that bends to the right anyway. Oh and a house I think ?

After that I got nuffink.
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