Game: Name that road!

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Legendary Member
and reverse search-able....

Yes, admit that was how I found it - thanks to my wife who showed me how.

I'll post the next one later today.


Legendary Member
your next one :
ntr20221004 (2).jpg


Putrid Donut
Heading north from the Hebrides takes you to the Faroe Islands. I don't think that's going to be the answer but I'm enjoying looking at the Google images.


Legendary Member
Heading north from the Hebrides takes you to the Faroe Islands. I don't think that's going to be the answer but I'm enjoying looking at the Google images.

OK, not due north - we are staying in the British Isles here. But the Faroes are sort of on the right theme.


Legendary Member
Looks like Shetland somewhere to me, but I can't work out where I've seen it so it's probably Orkney .... Trouble is that lots of things look a lot like that in Shetland (and quite possibly Orkney).

I'm struggling to even find some white houses on Shetland or Orkney, but it's got to be one of those two, surely?

Yes it has, and the clue is still 'north'.
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