Game: Name that road!

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Kilometre nibbler
All part of the narrowing down process. ^_^

I'll try to make things messier. The scorpion's heart will guide you.

Oddly enough I was just reading an article about scorpions' organs. Seemingly, they can respond to attack by discarding their tail segments (called autotomy). Unfortunately this also means discarding their anus, which "prevents defecation and leads to constipation".

Sorry, as you were.


Legendary Member
Messier is also known as M4 which is near Antares star, so do we need a road under the M4, in a rural location. not fond anything from a quick scan. its also quite an old style bridge so not a new or recent part of M4???:wacko:



Scorpions - Follow Your Heart Lyrics​

Have you ever climbed the mountain?
Have you ever crossed the sea?
Take a look around the corner
And listen to your heartbeat

Have you ever touched the rainbow
Take a ride in the ferris wheel
It takes one step to start a journey
It's up to you, to make it real

This is the time for yourself to be free
You gotta follow your heart
This is the time in your life and it's never too late
To see the light in the dark
You gotta follow your heart


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll

Scorpions - Follow Your Heart Lyrics​

Have you ever climbed the mountain?
Have you ever crossed the sea?
Take a look around the corner
And listen to your heartbeat

Have you ever touched the rainbow
Take a ride in the ferris wheel
It takes one step to start a journey
It's up to you, to make it real

This is the time for yourself to be free
You gotta follow your heart
This is the time in your life and it's never too late
To see the light in the dark
You gotta follow your heart

Blimey... that's even worse than Wind of Change! :eek:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Messier is also known as M4 which is near Antares star, so do we need a road under the M4, in a rural location. not fond anything from a quick scan. its also quite an old style bridge so not a new or recent part of M4???:wacko:

I like your thinking. There's 110 Messier objects, presumably M1 to M110. M4, M6, M7 and M80 are also in Scorpius.
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Legendary Member
Here is your next challenge:

View attachment 662415

about here, south of Baydon on the Swindon-Lambourn road, where the M4 crosses

When I saw the picture I immediately though of the Wessex downs, but couldn't think of a straight road with the downs to the north/northeast, and a bridge... until I got the M4 clue


Legendary Member
about here, south of Baydon on the Swindon-Lambourn road, where the M4 crosses
View attachment 662551

When I saw the picture I immediately though of the Wessex downs, but couldn't think of a straight road with the downs to the north/northeast, and a bridge... until I got the M4 clue

you're welcome!:laugh:


Putrid Donut
about here, south of Baydon on the Swindon-Lambourn road, where the M4 crosses
View attachment 662551

When I saw the picture I immediately though of the Wessex downs, but couldn't think of a straight road with the downs to the north/northeast, and a bridge... until I got the M4 clue
Contratulations - sounds like a bit of a joint effort so I'll let you decide who I've passed the torch to.

I like your thinking. There's 110 Messier objects, presumably M1 to M110. M4, M6, M7 and M80 are also in Scorpius.
Indeed, and it was quite a while before I was happy with the wording of the clue. M4 is the closest to Antares, sometimes known as the scorpion's heart, apparently. The name translates as rival of Mars, which wasn't so helpful in framing a clue.

It's a very pretty road, by the way, but the traffic is often a bit quick. When cycling, the Lambourn valley road running roughly parallel is always far more appealing.
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