Game: Name that road!

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Googling 'dark satanic mills' led me to Southwark in that there London. I don't think it's there, although i didn't actually check.

You are ignoring the very first result! :okay:


Putrid Donut
The road heading off to the left is Jerusalem Lane!!1s9AEiT75hLIgc3x-rZLCgTw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656



Puzzle game procrastinator!

I was wondering how long it would take you to get it! :laugh:

For those who still don't... :whistle:

Poetic licence - clues taken from a poem, William Blake's Jerusalem.

People have been strolling over those hills for centuries -
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?

Spot the sheep in the nice verdant fields...
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

Near hellish old industrial buildings -
Among these dark Satanic mills?

The local mill buildings remaining now are working mills no longer. There is a huge (and no doubt once satanic) mill just down the road. Oats Royd Mill was almost lost in a terrible fire, but it was saved, restored, and is now a luxury apartments complex.

To the question...
And was Jerusalem builded here?

I reply... Jerusalem Ln, yes, and Jerusalem farm too!

Over to you again, @Aravis!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
You are ignoring the very first result! :okay:

I got the Jerusalem link right off the bat, which narrowed it down to pretty much anywhere in the UK with fields. And the dark satanic mills... narrows it down to one of a great many mill towns, until reading deeper into the meaning in that it refers to churches.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I got the Jerusalem link right off the bat, which narrowed it down to pretty much anywhere in the UK with fields. And the dark satanic mills... narrows it down to one of a great many mill towns, until reading deeper into the meaning in that it refers to churches.
One look at the photo and knowing my habits should SCREAM Yorkshire. Just Google 'Jerusalem Yorkshire' and see what the results are... :okay:


To the question...
And was Jerusalem builded here?

I reply... Jerusalem Ln, yes, and Jerusalem farm too!

I think Blake is pondering the medieval myth that Jesus had visited England with Joseph of Arimathea and if the new Jerusalem from the Book of Revelations was ever created here, but destroyed by the Industrial Revolution (Satanic Mills).

Revelation 21:2
"And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God"

Blake wasn't taking these myths literally, but embedding subliminal political messages in his poem, (many) other interpretations are available.:laugh:

I quite like some of Blake's etchings too.:okay:


Kilometre nibbler
Useless fact: Blake used to live near Felpham, which used to be a regular Friday Night Ride to the Coast destination. As recorded by a blue plaque.
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