On the subject of the report, while we've all been getting our knickers in a twist about Wiggo (Doping nobber/Oh no he isn't), possibly the most interesting point that no one is talking about is
"The Government should give serious consideration to criminalising the supply of drugs to sportspeople with intent to enhance performance rather than to mitigate ill-health, and in so doing defraud clean athletes they are competing against."
People like Sky's former doctor and blood doping specialist Geert Leinders you mean, why would Sky employ someone like that
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am i miss interprating this tweet (s**t spelling i know)
Well I'm grateful to Russian hackers that brought this all to light, thank you Fancy Bears. Whole thing stinks.
@jowwy you're sounding just like the Lance apologists with their 'never failed a test' line. True though that was, he was proven to be behind the biggest sporting fraud in history, and with cyclings history, Sky's continued declarations of being a clean team, and the fact Sky have won the last umpteen TDF's in a row, the winner of which has recently failed a test. So errr, yeah we're totally entitled to a healthy dose of scepticism.
Also you seem to be implying that UKAD have given Sky a free pass, that is very clearly not being said. Have you read the report? The very same Nicole Sapstead you quote says in the report that "our investigation was hampered by a lack accurate medical records being available to British Cycling. This is a serious concern as part of the conditions to receive public funding from UK Sport and other Home Country Sports Councils, all sports governing bodies must comply with the UK National Anti-doping Policy. This is complicated further by the crossover between British Cycling and Team Sky." UKAD went further and said ."..the lack of records for the package sent to Team Sky in 2011 was not an isolated example and was a result of the failure of BC's systems". It went on...."There was no process to record what pharmaceutical products and medical supplies were stored by BC at the Manchester velodrome and elsewhere, and what was checked in and out of the medical room on site...the medical room was chaotic and disorganised, there was no apparent filing system and papers were piled up in cupboards and filing cabinets".
We are not talking about them missing one or two entries to minor riders, we're talking about them administering drugs to their top riders, over the course of years, and having none of this recorded. Why would they do this? hmmmm. It is frankly a joke that Brailsford confidently claims they are following the highest ethical standards in cycling, yet they don't have access to records to show what treatments the doctors are prescribing to the riders??? Seriously?
Whatever the reason/excuse, that is not acceptable and is very dodgy behaviour, it does'nt just breach Sky's own policy, but that of the General Medical Council and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Usery Agency. If your own GP acted like this they'd have the book thrown at them. UKAD are asking the right questions, but the whole Jiffy bag shambles just shows Sky have lost or have no record of the info that answers the key questions being asked, how convenient.....
@Dogtrousers said a few pages back Brailsford is being hoisted by his own petard as the Sky PR line keeps being shown to differ drastically from reality and its simply not plausible anymore. For a team that prides itself on attention to detail and leaving no stone un-turned, its simply not believable that they could be so shambolic.
It also seems blindingly obvious the TUE's are being abused, and for that the UCI must take most of the responsibility, have they come out and said the system is getting reviewed?. In 2013 there were 636 approved TUE's, its more than tripled in 3 years and in 2016 there was 2175, that is a pretty alarming rise, and we're supposed to believe cycling is cleaner now than ever.......
And as for the un-named source, it seems it can't be Sutton as he is named in the report, but what about Jess Varnish? She's had plenty to say to criticise Sky/BC.