Thanks again. One of these, perhaps. https://www.asgardsss.co.uk/bike-storage-x4
Bit of a shame I downgraded to a small trailer.MOst of the panels would fit but the base and roof would either have to go in my wife's car, or on the roofbars!
Weight seems to be 114kg. I'd planned on taking tools to dismantle is single-handedly, but I reckon I'll enlist my 18 yr old.
Thanks @ianrauk - that link has a PDF download.
I have that one. Its not a 4 bike shed, or at least 4 bikes my size. I've just replaced the padlocks on it as I dropped one and it was acting up, didn't want to risk it getting stuck on in locked. I did pay for them to build it too, its definately not a 1 person job!