FNRttC 4th September to Whitstable 2009

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Openly Marxist
Origamist said:
I'm not fussy, I grew up boozing in Plymouth's Union St (if you have not had the pleasure, you can get a feel for its ambience by watching "Cops with Cameras"...

The Beach Cafe at Whitstable did have taps and sparklers - so we might be in luck.

Hopefully someone with local knowledge will pipe-up.

Quite. When I say "decent boozer", I actually mean "boozer". Decent is just a bonus...


pre-talced and mighty
theclaud said:

Have you read any WG Sebald?
Yes. I read Vertigo on the train to Venice, and by the streetlights in our hotel after the Babe had gone to sleep. How cool is that?

Did Sebald write about Whitstable? Actually I could see spending the day on the balcony of the Beach Cafe.


Openly Marxist
dellzeqq said:
Yes. I read Vertigo on the train to Venice, and by the streetlights in our hotel after the Babe had gone to sleep. How cool is that?

Did Sebald write about Whitstable? Actually I could see spending the day on the balcony of the Beach Cafe.

No... or at least not as far as I can remember. But bear with me - it was Southwold that put me in mind of it. The Rings of Saturn is about Lowestoft - Orfordness. And a lot of other stuff, as you will appreciate. For reasons too obscure to mention, I have a lot of copies. I'll send you one.

And yes - that's pretty cool.


pre-talced and mighty
theclaud said:
No... or at least not as far as I can remember. But bear with me - it was Southwold that put me in mind of it. The Rings of Saturn is about Lowestoft - Orfordness. And a lot of other stuff, as you will appreciate. For reasons too obscure to mention, I have a lot of copies. I'll send you one.
Thankyou. I look forward to reading it on Simon and Susie's Super Summer Suffolk Safari, which will wander up the coast, taking one small boat trip after another, before fetching up at the Swan Hotel (despite my preference for Leysdown...).


Openly Marxist
dellzeqq said:
Thankyou. I look forward to reading it on Simon and Susie's Super Summer Suffolk Safari, which will wander up the coast, taking one small boat trip after another, before fetching up at the Swan Hotel (despite my preference for Leysdown...).

Perfect for the SSSSSS. Consider it done.


Chief Kebab Taster
redjedi said:
Can you put me down for this one please Simon.

That's what recce rides are for. While Simons arranging the cafe you can scout around for a suitable watering hole. Then use your charms to get them to open early :biggrin:

Hahaha, well, on paper it sounds good, but in reality, you know ill be on my second fry-up by then, followed by a walnutbreak.. I cant promise, but ill do my best! :ohmy:

Dan B

Disengaged member
dellzeqq said:
Recce rides [...] Wednesday September 2nd, starting Kings Cross area about 9.30. Train back - but if one more rider will give us the groupsave discount.
Is that 9.30 ante or post meridian? I can't make the actual ride this month but might be tempted by a midweek run, if that's an open offer


pre-talced and mighty
it was ante - but Mike can't make it that day, so the recce ride that week is open to suggestion........


dellzeqq said:
Marilyn B
Louise L
Katsura I
Barry J
Andrij B
Peter W
Adrian C
Matt L
Martin F
Clive B
Tim O
Andy C
Stuart A
John G
Matthew S
Els V
William C
Jo H
Jane D
User10571 B
Claudine C
Rachael W
Al MacD
Chris M
Davy S
Andrea W
Andrew A
Lee 1010
Alastair S
Anthony McC
Kim W
Andrew B
Tim H
Nicholas T
Luke C

stoofer and alinaee - if you haven't done so you need to send me an e-mail....

I have some bad news. I once spent a week in Whitstable and I didn't find a decent pub. Now, I think the cafe we take breakfast in has a license, and I'll ask the expert, but, if I don't find anything, it's back down the Graveney marshes road.
OOh noticed my name isnt on there, do I have to e-mail someone QUICK! Regarding ale houses, wat was wrong with the Neptune, right on the beach, BUT I know of a pub thats out of this world, and its on the way back, at Faversham, called the Shipwrights arms at Ore creek, no electricity ( got their own generator) and ceiling is smothered with Thames barge racing posters, and the ALE is in Kegs behind the bar, right next to Faversham creek. Stumpy!
As an aside - the equivalent post "FNRttC - Whitstable" - a couple of months ago, had sixty seven replies after two days. This thread has already pulsated to #107 after two...

<cue Tim O with alternative stats. :wacko: > (or a map)

Someone really ought to contact a pub as Matt will be celebrating his 50th birthday)



yostumpy said:
OOh noticed my name isnt on there, do I have to e-mail someone QUICK! ...

The official point of contact is to send your name, mobile number, CTC number (if you're a member) to fnrttc@yahoo.co.uk.

Simon may pick up on requests here, but there's no guarantee, and you'll possibly want to keep your real name and telephone number from being promulgated across the entire Internet. :tongue:

mike e

Wanted for Saturday 5th September 2009

Time travel machine, loan only, must be able to travel from Kent to Hull in less than 4 hours.

Other ideas:-

1)Visit local Ferrari dealership and ask for a longer than average test drive

2)Hide a fuel can in a bag and hire a jet ski from Whitstable beach

3)Just don't go to the wedding at all, but could lead to:-

3i)Wife and her family not happy with me, but they'll come round eventually
3ii)Wife and her family not happy with me, spare room beckons
3iii)Wife and etc,etc, garage beckons
3iv)Wife etc,etc divorce beckons

Senarios i,ii & iii I can live with:wacko:, iv would be more of a concern:sad:
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