Five idiots on bikes tonight

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Can we please remember that this thread isn't just about unlit cyclists but also about cyclists without any form of reflection. Ok they may be too tight to buy cheap lights or too stupid to use lights but surely a bit of reflective material on their clothing or shoes isn't much to ask for is it?
I was talking to a bus driver the other week who said the same thing, He said he'd had that many close to hitting someone incidents that he was thinking of quitting driving for a living. He also said he'd become hardened to the idiots and wouldn't feel any guilt if he hit an unlit cyclists.
Then he should do what he says and get off the road. If you don't think you should drive at a speed where you can stop in the distance you can see you shouldn't be allowed a license.


Most, if not all, relevant and valid points have been made in this thread, so time to Close before it goes downhill.
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