Five idiots on bikes tonight

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Legendary Member
Unless you don't wear a helmet. The safety benefits are unprov....

OMG. You started a helmet thread ^_^

Mod Edit:
and it stops here!!!
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Tin Pot

Dunno, the more I cycle the more I feel invisible in spite of my umpteen lights.
Drivers seem so distracted, can't trust a driver 100% not to pull out at a junction any time of day.
Which is absolutely true.

They are all trying to kill you.

They always have been.

All apparently bizarre behaviour is explained once you accept this.


Über Member
All cyclists and motor cyclists should read the Police Motorcycle Roadcraft Handbook :thumbsup:
BOTH cyclists:bicycle: & motorcyclists
should always ride defensibly and be thinking that EVERY other road user it trying to kill you.


Legendary Member
OMG. You started a helmet thread ^_^

Mod Edit:
and it stops here!!!

Are we not allowed to mention helmets on CC anymore. I must have missed that directive. Or was this a case of a moderator wanting to flex his muscles. Because there was nothing contencious about my post. Just an explanation of my recent accident.

Mod Edit: Shaun has decreed that all helmet debates are to go in one thread in the Advocacy and Cycling Safety forum. Your post was not a debate, but is the way debates start. Someone would have come along and pointed out that yours is annecdotal evidence, etc. Apologies if it seemed a bit heavy handed...
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Legendary Member
Good argument for having lights on your bike in summer, that sounds like

I have Dynamo run B&M lights on the bike but like to have lights higher up in the dark. Hence the helmet. Sorry I had to mention helmet again but the frog lights fit on it.


Senior Member
Cyclists shoukd wear lights. Drivers should also look. If you park you car at the side of the road and leave no lights on it, who is at fault if a car smashed into it?
Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?
Why? Why can drivers not smash into unlit parked cars but if it's a cyclust it's not partly their fault? When I drive I make sure I can see where I am going. I don't smash into parked cars, trees, bushes or cyclists.

Unlit tree. Drivers fault
Unlit parked car. Drivers fault
Unlit person crossing the road. Drivers fault
Unlit cyclist. Cyclist fault.

I'd not dream of cyvling without lights and they would share some responsibility. But do should the driver if they drive into something they haven't seen. Greatest rule in drving, drive at a speed you can stop within dustance you can see


Senior Member
That's because you're driving in a vehicle which is required by law to have headlights capable of lighting an unlit road, you also have streetlights, cat eyes, white road markers and more importantly and to what I was referring to, all vehicles are required to park facing into the flow of traffic, because all motor vehicles are required to have reflectors fitted to the back of them. If a car is parked facing traffic and you hit it, you're not at fault... Dependant on whether you couldn't actually see the car, which is unlikely. Due to a massive reflective numberplate and reflective materials in headlights. But I'm sure plod and the insurance companies will work that out for you.

Just to be more pedantic, bikes are also required by law to have lights and reflectors fitted. Yet you still want to insinuate that the driver was at fault again.

Hence, was that a joke? I'll guess it was...


Senior Member
Why? Why can drivers not smash into unlit parked cars but if it's a cyclust it's not partly their fault? When I drive I make sure I can see where I am going. I don't smash into parked cars, trees, bushes or cyclists.

Unlit tree. Drivers fault
Unlit parked car. Drivers fault
Unlit person crossing the road. Drivers fault
Unlit cyclist. Cyclist fault.

I'd not dream of cyvling without lights and they would share some responsibility. But do should the driver if they drive into something they haven't seen. Greatest rule in drving, drive at a speed you can stop within dustance you can see

You changed your answer! That's no fun.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Can we please remember that this thread isn't just about unlit cyclists but also about cyclists without any form of reflection. Ok they may be too tight to buy cheap lights or too stupid to use lights but surely a bit of reflective material on their clothing or shoes isn't much to ask for is it?
I was talking to a bus driver the other week who said the same thing, He said he'd had that many close to hitting someone incidents that he was thinking of quitting driving for a living. He also said he'd become hardened to the idiots and wouldn't feel any guilt if he hit an unlit/un-relective cyclist..
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