Five idiots on bikes tonight

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Never used Über Member
It's that time of the year isn't it? We're losing a good chunk of time at the start and end of the day to darkness and perhaps people just aren't anticipating it. That said, given that Poundland do perfectly adequate "be seen" lights, there really is no excuse for not having an emergency spare tucked in a bag is there?

Best one I've seen so far was a lad on an MTB, wearing all black, no lights front or back, no reflectors, with a hard hat sat atop his head (no chin strap so not sure how that was going to stay on if he took a tumble), cycling down an unlit 70 mph dual carriageway in the dark the other morning - when there is a separate cycleway and street lit residential roads running parallel just yards away.
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Tin Pot

I run at night on unlit roads dressed in black because drivers need to be kept on their toes.



Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
............A middle aged man and wife riding bikes in the dark, in the cycle lane without lights or reflection. Wtf!!
All the roads had pavements by the way, so why risk their lives and mine by being so bloody stupid?!:cursing:

So you were driving in the cycle lane were you?
Three single ones and pair. All without lights or any form of reflection. I drove to Blackburn to drop someone off tonight. I encountered the five idiots riding their bikes on main roads. Before anyone says well you must've seen them or you wouldn't be complaining about them. i did see them but right at the last second when i was about 12 ft away! The last two were the worst because they looked quite normal.A middle aged man and wife riding bikes in the dark, in the cycle lane without lights or reflection. Wtf!!
All the roads had pavements by the way, so why risk their lives and mine by being so bloody stupid?!:cursing:

You saw how many cyclists? And nearly ran into some of them? Any intelligent person would have taken the existence of the first non-illuminated cyclist as evidence that non-illuminated cyclists exist and then adapted their driving to take account of that fact. It could be argued that to drive in such a manner as to endanger the safety of the subsequent cyclists could be considered reckless endangerment. Cycling without lights is not yet considered a crime worthy of a death sentence - and in any case you are neither judge nor executioner. How important was your journey? We're your headlights working? Did you manage to avoid crashing into anything else that wasn't lit up? Such as trees. Hedgerows. Sheds. Sheep. The kerb? We're you able to negotiate your way around corners and sh!t?

Tin Pot

Did you manage to avoid crashing into anything else that wasn't lit up? Such as trees. Hedgerows. Sheds. Sheep. The kerb? We're you able to negotiate your way around corners and sh!t?

You saw how many cyclists? And nearly ran into some of them? Any intelligent person would have taken the existence of the first non-illuminated cyclist as evidence that non-illuminated cyclists exist and then adapted their driving to take account of that fact. It could be argued that to drive in such a manner as to endanger the safety of the subsequent cyclists could be considered reckless endangerment. Cycling without lights is not yet considered a crime worthy of a death sentence - and in any case you are neither judge nor executioner. How important was your journey? We're your headlights working? Did you manage to avoid crashing into anything else that wasn't lit up? Such as trees. Hedgerows. Sheds. Sheep. The kerb? We're you able to negotiate your way around corners and sh!t?
I can't quite work out if you are being serious or taking the piss.


Legendary Member
Those frog lights cost nothing and are so small and flexible they will fit almost anywhere on a bike. Useless for seeing where you are going but at least you can be seen. They can stay full time on your bike because they are not worth stealing. Better still fasten them on your helmet, if you wear one and you will never forget them.
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