Five idiots on bikes tonight

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Three single ones and pair. All without lights or any form of reflection. I drove to Blackburn to drop someone off tonight. I encountered the five idiots riding their bikes on main roads. Before anyone says well you must've seen them or you wouldn't be complaining about them. i did see them but right at the last second when i was about 12 ft away! The last two were the worst because they looked quite normal.A middle aged man and wife riding bikes in the dark, in the cycle lane without lights or reflection. Wtf!!
All the roads had pavements by the way, so why risk their lives and mine by being so bloody stupid?!:cursing:

Tin Pot

Unlit streets?


Bird Saviour
I think its this time of year people get caught out, suddenly the nights start closing in between 7 and 8 rapidly and they haven't prepared for it. I remember a couple of years ago I left work at 8, it was pitch black and I was half way home down a country lane when I was suddenly aware of a black silhouette behind me as I passed over a motorway bridge. Frightened the cr@p out of me so I sped up, but he didn't so I decided he was no threat (having also calmed down and become more rational and realised what he was doing). When I let him catch up, it was his first time on the bike, he'd been trying to keep up with me for at least two miles he said, bcoz her had no lights and hadn't realised how dark his journey would be. It was so pitch black I had to put him in front of me and give him my ankle straps, just to keep him alive!!


Cycling in the sun
I must admit I usually get caught out at this time of year, I've got as far as finding several empty lights, and charging the batteries, but as yet not put the batteries in nor distributed the lights to where I stash them, normally leave spare ones at work etc. but I have put in an emergency pair in the pannier so I will be seen even if I can't see well.

Edit: also not planning to be out after dark yet, but you never know when you run late or the weather turns really bad, saw someone in the fog the other morning, and I saw their hi-vid jacket before I saw their light it was that poor!
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Deleted member 1258

I must admit that I nearly got caught out earlier this year, new bike that I hadn't fitted the lights to, work overrun considerably and I found myself riding home in fading light and only just made it home before the light went completely. The thing is that right through winter there are some of us that are unlit at night, I'm sure a lot of them think that when they are on lit roads they can be seen, others either don't care or don't understand the dangers.


Senior Member
I don't believe you. You were at fault! You were driving a car, obviously your fault.


Got caught out the other week, been to my mum's for a brew ended up staying longer than I thought, started home just before dusk, was nearly dark by the time I made it home. I always have a cheap rear light fitted though, so just the front I was missing.

Main lights now fitted and batteries charged.
I regularly see people without lights every morning of my commute, and about twice a week I see cyclists on the A444 (I don't use this road) merrily peddling away in he pitch black, no lights and no clue. The A444 is a dual carriage way with built up side running through a city that is horrendously busy with no lighting at certain areas. Utter lethal. As the OP says you have no clue they're there until you are on top of them.
No idea what posses them to do it.

Hip Priest

I got caught out in the summer this year. A storm erupted as I began my commute home, turning the sky black. Thankfully I had my rear light fitted, but not my front. I had to take great care approaching junctions, being aware that drivers may not see me.
Cyclists shoukd wear lights. Drivers should also look. If you park you car at the side of the road and leave no lights on it, who is at fault if a car smashed into it?

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Our transit system found this to be a problem, so they started giving away lights. Not enough to see by, but enough to make sure you are seen. This has become quite a large event.
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