Films that you've never seen.

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Legendary Member
Here are some of the so say important films I've not seen.

Saving Private Ryan (the plot sounds so stupid which put me off)

Schindler's List (subject too grim, I really can't watch this kind of thing, whoever well done and important the subject is, and we must never forget)

Any Marx Brothers films. Whilst I do find the wise-cracking comedy a bit grating, I really should check out one or two of the classics eg "night at the opera"

Ben Hur - just never got round to seeing it.

Gone with the wind - ditto, that said from the bits I've seem, not sure it floats my boat but am aware I ought to see it.

Magnificent Ambersons - definitely on my list, having seen, and been very impressed by Citizen Kane and Touch of Evil

Never seen Birth of a
Nation, nor for that mater, Triumph of the Will. Both are regarded as cinematic masterpieces, though glorify the KKK / racial segregation, and the Nazis respectively
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Legendary Member
No one has mentioned an absolute classic , that I've never watched ,but ought to.
The classic silent movie.

seen lots of clips, very expressive, telling a story with out talky bits! Nor on screen Music.
There have been remastered versions, with added music

You really must watch that; it is a masterpiece.
Yes the acting is completely over the top (terrible in some cases) but somehow that adds to the mythic quality of the whole thing. It came round our local arts cinema but sadly we were away so have only watched it at home.

It is worth seeing these great films at the cineman. We've seen "Seven Samurai" and Keyton's "The General" at the pictures and it was a wonderful experience despite having seen each film several times


Kilometre nibbler
This is a topic worthy of a new thread.
[Just FYI: after paying for my cinema ticket, I've never walked out.

Back in the 80s when I had an interesting relationship with alcohol I went to the pictures to see Withnail and I. As the film went on it occurred to me that the pubs would be shut by the time the film finished. So out I went.

I've still not seen the whole thing


Legendary Member
This is a topic worthy of a new thread.
[Just FYI: after paying for my cinema ticket, I've never walked out. But my sis walked out juuuust before the real action starts in Romancing The Stone. She's also walked out of a number of gigs/concerts - which I also don't recall ever doing ... )

It was in university when I first realised it was better to walk if bored or not enjoying a film or show. Your money is already gone but at least you can save the as yet unwasted time.


Back in the 80s when I had an interesting relationship with alcohol I went to the pictures to see Withnail and I. As the film went on it occurred to me that the pubs would be shut by the time the film finished. So out I went.

I've still not seen the whole thing

You've not really missed a lot, I gave in to the hype a few years ago and watched it, I'll not be watching it again.


Legendary Member
You've not really missed a lot, I gave in to the hype a few years ago and watched it, I'll not be watching it again.

Withnail is a masterpiece: funny, moving, full of quotable lines, and whimsical incidents, and ultimately tragic with that final scene where McGann has got a gig, and Withnail wanders off lamenting "he will never play the Dane"


Withnail is a masterpiece: funny, moving, full of quotable lines, and whimsical incidents, and ultimately tragic with that final scene where McGann has got a gig, and Withnail wanders off lamenting "he will never play the Dane"

I know it's regarded as a classic but I just couldn't get into it.


Über Member
Ought to be a Punk Thrash version , Drago of this parish , just might make the cut as Julie Andrews the transgender nazi nurse.....
Forgive me, I have ingested something that's quite upset my thoughts processes.
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