Films that you've never seen.

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Ought to be a Punk Thrash version , Drago of this parish , just might make the cut as Julie Andrews the transgender nazi nurse.....
Forgive me, I have ingested something that's quite upset my thoughts processes.
I once went to a Sound of Music singalong performance as Rolf the Nazi telegram boy complete with telegrams.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Any film by Alain Delon apparently...


usually riding on Zwift...
Heads up!

The Sound of Music is on BBC1 right now. If you haven't seen it, now's your chance!

We watched it with the kids (we’ve both been ill so had a low-key weekend playing board games etc, and our Broadband isn’t working so the kids have been learning about not-on-demand TV the hard way!) and they loved it. First time I’ve seen it all the way through, too.


Über Member
I'm... um... washing my hair.

Which one? Or all of them.
I'm... um... washing my hair.

Which one's?
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