Films that have surprisingly/secretly made your Top 10 List

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Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
One of my favourite films is Strictly Ballroom, ballroom dancing isn't something that I've ever done or watched and the whole sparkly nonsense surrounding it is gaudy in the extreme. The film is low budget and struggled to get to $3m, the original budget was cut back, the cast was relatively unknown and at one point it looked as though it might not happen at all. The result though is wonderful, just a lovely story with lots of murky history influencing the present and then all chickens coming home to roost at the end, chock full of really well acted scenes - top stuff!


Über Member
New Forest
Land Girls always gets me, the bit when Anna Friel's Husband dies. Also the Right Stuff, nearly the whole film is about the first astronaut's ,but
its really about Chuck Yeager who they all envied.


Lovely stuff
That London
Yep, love WALL-E and the Studio Ghibili films (esp. Princess Mononoke)

My surprising top ten additions/guilty pleasures - Romancing the Stone and Crocodile Dundee.


Legendary Member
I saw one last night. Alpha Papa starring Steve Coogan. It's the dog's testicularies, yea verily.

Iain M Norman

Well-Known Member

One of Disney's best. Great artistic look to the digital animation. Touching story, great songs, good voice acting. Funny, moving and feel-good.



Firm and Fruity
Little miss sunshine - I wasnt expecting much, but it was very good.
It's a comedy road trip following a dysfunctional family in a VW camper van driving their not very pretty daughter to a beauty pageant.
Carry On Up The Khyber



I love the Pixar animations - Up, The Incredibles, Toy Story series (especially the last one), Wall-E, etc. I've always thought they were made more for adults than children anyway.

Oh, and no Christmas goes by in our household without watching It's a Wonderful Life.
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