Face masks......where to buy them??

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In what situations are you not allowed and who or what forbids it?

My daughter is not allowed to wear a face mask in school so in this case it is the school. My wife is not allowed to wear one at work - of if she wants to has to go through a process of seeking permission and have a good reason but the expectation is that will be the exception so could be refused. I am aware of other situations I do not want to go into detail on.


Legendary Member
Mark, if I sneeze or cough without a mask on is more snot going to come out and travel further than if I do with one on.
I am from the Wirral and we dont have snot ^_^
We have pleasant smelling droplets of mucus that smell like rose water.
However, I am in agreement with you. The mask will help prevent others being affected by your sneeze.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
My daughter is not allowed to wear a face mask in school so in this case it is the school. My wife is not allowed to wear one at work - of if she wants to has to go through a process of seeking permission and have a good reason but the expectation is that will be the exception so could be refused. I am aware of other situations I do not want to go into detail on.
Is any of that mandated by central government? Because by 'ourselves' I am including school governers, headteachers, PTAs, employers, trade unions etc, not just individuals.


I am from the Wirral and we dont have snot ^_^
We have pleasant smelling droplets of mucus that smell like rose water.
However, I am in agreement with you. The mask will help prevent others being affected by your sneeze.

Feeling a bit daft really, but I just could not come up with the right word to use, missing have a break over your way a lot at the moment, sure is a great place to be.


Über Member
Northern NJ
My daughter is not allowed to wear a face mask in school so in this case it is the school. My wife is not allowed to wear one at work - of if she wants to has to go through a process of seeking permission and have a good reason but the expectation is that will be the exception so could be refused. I am aware of other situations I do not want to go into detail on.

I find it interesting that you folks are dealing with rules that actually forbid wearing a mask in some situations. I’m not aware of any rules like that in the US. We just seem to have the opposite problem of idiots feeling their rights are being infringed upon so refuse to wear a mask. And because of them and our screaming orange sphincter muscle, we have maxed out hospitals in Florida and Texas.
The latest is that drumpf has ordered hospitals NOT to report their stats to the CDC and instead to report them to Washington DC. This is how he’ll keep us from knowing how bad things are so he can try and win an election. This guy is truly the most vile disgusting piece of garbage on the planet.


Charming but somewhat feckless
My daughter is not allowed to wear a face mask in school so in this case it is the school. My wife is not allowed to wear one at work - of if she wants to has to go through a process of seeking permission and have a good reason but the expectation is that will be the exception so could be refused. I am aware of other situations I do not want to go into detail on.

Thanks, I thought you were suggesting there was some legislative force behind the situations you were alluding to. It's merely the decisions of individual organisations then, decisions which I'd be asking them to justify. I can see no harm arising to a school or business in someone choosing to wear a mask/face covering to minimise the spread of Covid.


Leg End Member
I wish that people who don't want to wear masks would just be honest and stop coming up with BS excuses. We know why, stop pretending it's for scientific or even altruistic reasons, or that it's too difficult or some sort of assault on your freedom. It's not.

Wear a mask.
They taste lousy, leave a lousy taste in your throat, which they also dry out. And those with the metal bridge strip for the nose, have left metal stuck in the mouth.

Don't judge everyone on sight.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sainburys, Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco, & Lidl all saying they won't enforce mask wearing so I doubt the police are going to get involved.
Our coop in Scotlandshire will not allow you into the shop without a mask so definite enforcement. Any argument and I think the other customers would probably turf you out. No idea of other supermarkets as I did not try any of them.
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Hello decadence
A face covering is not a landmine. It is not dangerous. It is a slight inconvenience but the overwhelming evidence shows that it is effective at source control for preventing viral spread. There have been no (high quality) studies from Asia (where masks have been worn traditionally) showing harm.

Something as simple as a buff could get us out of the dangers of a second wave and a tanked economy but people won't wear them. I find it completely incomprehensible. As for the shops - I think they'll have a few H&S court cases on their hands when staff end up on ICU having caught Covid from mask-less customers.

If doing something so simple protects others, it seems to me hugely selfish to refuse to do that.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Round these parts you're sure to be told off pretty sharpish if you try to be an arse about it.

Edit: The original link to the tweet has been removed as inappropriate so here instead is a censored version...

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