Face masks......where to buy them??

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Mandatory in all shops from what I read. Hope that doesn't include coffee shops :rolleyes:

I was talking about somebody who said wearing outside all the time.


I think the N95 mask are pretty much useless against this virus . Still, it's what you read and listen to that reinforces your opinion & I don't have any issue with believers and won't get into an interminable tit for tat posting of "evidence" that is not going to change a single mind.

I wear one at work yet I don't have to in places where staff are cheek by jowl and shoulder to shoulder, the rest rooms and changing rooms? I have to wear one to pop into Asda for 5 mins but not in Spoons for an hour? An office worker can sit with others for 8 hours without one, but has to pop a mask on to buy a sandwich? You don't have to wear one to buy a coffee but if there are tables on those premises, it's now shop and you do have to? Oh, and the shop workers don't have to wear masks? Thankfully my local NISA are not going to challenge mask refuseniks and apparently neither are Sainsburys on staff safety grounds.

These rules (not masks) are convoluted nonsense.:wacko:


Re this morning news of possibly having to wear one all the time outside, that will for me detract from cycling somewhat as in winter I usually find a buff is too restrictive in terms of air flow on steep climbs and if I persist with the buff it is pretty soaked at the top of the climb. In the absence of a cycle helmet with deep clear visor looks like the ebike might be getting some extra use.

What? Definitely not seen that quite the reverse won't be needed in offices


I think the N95 mask are pretty much useless against this virus . Still, it's what you read and listen to that reinforces your opinion & I don't have any issue with believers and won't get into an interminable tit for tat posting of "evidence" that is not going to change a single mind.

I wear one at work yet I don't have to in places where staff are cheek by jowl and shoulder to shoulder, the rest rooms and changing rooms? I have to wear one to pop into Asda for 5 mins but not in Spoons for an hour? An office worker can sit with others for 8 hours without one, but has to pop a mask on to buy a sandwich? You don't have to wear one to buy a coffee but if there are tables on those premises, it's now shop and you do have to? Oh, and the shop workers don't have to wear masks? Thankfully my local NISA are not going to challenge mask refuseniks and apparently neither are Sainsburys on staff safety grounds.

These rules (not masks) are convoluted nonsense.:wacko:

I agree convoluted nonsense. My children must wear it on the bus but must not wear it at school. On here it was said because "scientific" evidence the bus driver is more at risk than a teacher. I asked for evidence but none forthcoming. A teacher in a room with 30 children for an hour - poorly ventilated often - and seeing maybe 150 different children a day could be 500+ a week. I would still be interested in the scientific thinking behind this is anyone is able to provide it. I am not against wearing masks in shops but as usual the contradictions in the policy make very little sense taking into account what I have posted here and @MarkF has posted re spoons etc.


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!
I agree convoluted nonsense. My children must wear it on the bus but must not wear it at school. On here it was said because "scientific" evidence the bus driver is more at risk than a teacher. I asked for evidence but none forthcoming. A teacher in a room with 30 children for an hour - poorly ventilated often - and seeing maybe 150 different children a day could be 500+ a week. I would still be interested in the scientific thinking behind this is anyone is able to provide it. I am not against wearing masks in shops but as usual the contradictions in the policy make very little sense taking into account what I have posted here and @MarkF has posted re spoons etc.
There is inconsistency which I put down to the government trying to balance, opening things up, with introducing reasonable measures to restrict the spread of the virus.

Guidance for schools can be found here, they recommend class sizes be halved, is your 30 children teacher example a real thing?





There is inconsistency which I put down to the government trying to balance, opening things up, with introducing reasonable measures to restrict the spread of the virus.

Guidance for schools can be found here, they recommend class sizes be halved, is your 30 children teacher example a real thing?


Not sure what guidance you are looking at but is out of date as of September 2020. Class sizes will be 30, no social distancing at all, so all children can return to school in September full time (could not happen with class size of 15). Year group bubbles will be anything up to 300+ in size. However teachers will work across the whole school. So yes what I have explained inn my post is a real thing and absolutely how it will work I can assure you.


Legendary Member
You are somewhat missing my point. How many people have been the the website you visited? What would have helped, in my opinion, would have been a proper announcement by a member of the Government covering clearly all points in your post.
Is that not their problem? If people choose to get their information form an unreliable source that's entirely their own fault. You can't complain that the matter is unclear, when actually it is very clear if you can be bothered to look.

An the government have been announcing it, at first with lengthy and detailed daily briefings, and latterly with very concise newspaper, TV and radio ads. The horse is well and truly taken to the water, and it's your problem if you can't be bothered to take a sip.


Is that not their problem? If people choose to get their information form an unreliable source that's entirely their own fault. You can't complain that the matter is unclear, when actually it is very clear if you can be bothered to look.

An the government have been announcing it, at first with lengthy and detailed daily briefings, and latterly with very concise newspaper, TV and radio ads. The horse is well and truly taken to the water, and it's your problem if you can't be bothered to take a sip.

Don't read a newspaper (other than online and seen no adds for this online - in fact the only add I see is for Trainer Road ), don't listen to commercial radio, seen no adds on TV, must have missed the briefing. If it wasn't for cyclechat I wouldn't have a bloody clue what was going on!


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I wish that people who don't want to wear masks would just be honest and stop coming up with BS excuses. We know why, stop pretending it's for scientific or even altruistic reasons, or that it's too difficult or some sort of assault on your freedom. It's not.

And stop only doing what the government guidance says. This government was elected on a promise to do literally as little as possible. They don't give a shoot about us, we shouldn't give a shoot about them. We need to sort this out amongst ourselves.

Wear a mask.


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!
Not sure what guidance you are looking at but is out of date as of September 2020. Class sizes will be 30, no social distancing at all, so all children can return to school in September full time (could not happen with class size of 15). Year group bubbles will be anything up to 300+ in size. However teachers will work across the whole school. So yes what I have explained inn my post is a real thing and absolutely how it will work I can assure you.
I posted the link to the guidance I was looking at, it is the current situation.

As information is changing all the time, its hard to say how that guidance will change in relation to masks being introduced in shops.

For September, I guess that would be here
they state teachers working across the whole school should be restricted where possible.

It seems to be about balancing/reducing risk where possible, not that one situation is fine. and another not.


I wish that people who don't want to wear masks would just be honest and stop coming up with BS excuses. We know why, stop pretending it's for scientific or even altruistic reasons, or that it's too difficult or some sort of assault on your freedom. It's not.

And stop only doing what the government guidance says. This government was elected on a promise to do literally as little as possible. They don't give a shoot about us, we shouldn't give a shoot about them. We need to sort this out amongst ourselves.

Wear a mask.

Point is you are not allowed to wear a mask in all situations which is something you need to take on board because you can't sort it out amongst ourselves or wear a mask if it is not allowed.
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