Face masks......where to buy them??

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Über Member
Northern NJ
As it turns out yes. Government do not recommend use of face masks ins school because they are not effective. Schools will always tend to follow Government guidance. Not sure of the science or reason this has not been made clear.

I think it's important to learn from the mistakes of us in the US. We've proven the exact opposite. That masks do work. The only reason that we saw the big decline in the number of cases during May and June was because of those wearing masks and social distancing. As soon as those requirements were relaxed, KABOOM, we see more cases than we ever have before. If someone is telling you that masks are not effective, that person has an agenda and their position is NOT based on science. It's also competely devoid of common sense.


Currently tend to wear them if I can get the thing on, it belatedly occurred to me in the Co-op yesterday lunchtime I could not because I had not taken my cycling helmet off. Yesterday evening at Asda no problem but just now at Aldi I could not get it on, not sure why as it exactly the same washable type as yesterdays and I had the same pair of gloves on. Of course as soon as I tried it at home gloveless it went on okay. A potential need for disrobing if cycling from next week. Depending where you looked in Aldi it was either the majority or minority wearing them😷


I think it's important to learn from the mistakes of us in the US. We've proven the exact opposite. That masks do work. The only reason that we saw the big decline in the number of cases during May and June was because of those wearing masks and social distancing. As soon as those requirements were relaxed, KABOOM, we see more cases than we ever have before. If someone is telling you that masks are not effective, that person has an agenda and their position is NOT based on science. It's also competely devoid of common sense.

This is the problem people are prevented from wearing them because the Govt say they don't work in a particular scenario. Problem is thier track record is bad because not long ago they said don't need to wear at all.


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!
As it turns out yes. Government do not recommend use of face masks ins school because they are not effective. Schools will always tend to follow Government guidance. Not sure of the science or reason this has not been made clear.
The guidance here may provide you some answers

Wearing a face covering or face mask in schools or other education settings is not recommended. Face coverings may be beneficial for short periods indoors where there is a risk of close social contact with people you do not usually meet and where social distancing and other measures cannot be maintained, for example on public transport or in some shops. This does not apply to schools or other education settings. Schools and other education or childcare settings should therefore not require staff, children and learners to wear face coverings. Changing habits, cleaning and hygiene are effective measures in controlling the spread of the virus. Face coverings (or any form of medical mask unless instructed to be used for specific clinical reasons) should not be worn in any circumstance by those who may not be able to handle them as directed (for example, young children, or those with special educational needs or disabilities) as it may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission.

The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others. PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases including:


Problem is it wasn't long ago they weren't recommended anywhere full stop. If they were wrong then......


Hello decadence

I am aware of evidence that the virus is airborne and spread through speaking, singing and coughing. However, there seems to be zero cases of where it is spread by handling the mask. Indeed, it seems that not wearing it properly is deemed as a greater risk by HMGovt than not wearing one at all. That seems counterintuitive to me.


Btw I think it's three schools near me have had to close so far and they have very few children and social distance. Wonder what will happen when they are full in September


Über Member
Northern NJ

I am aware of evidence that the virus is airborne and spread through speaking, singing and coughing. However, there seems to be zero cases of where it is spread by handling the mask. Indeed, it seems that not wearing it properly is deemed as a greater risk by HMGovt than not wearing one at all. That seems counterintuitive to me.

I think the reality is not wearing it properly is just as much of a risk as not wearing one at all.


Hello decadence
I think the reality is not wearing it properly is just as much of a risk as not wearing one at all.
Mmmm I'm not sure about that - ideally you'd want people to wear it properly. But if an improperly worn mask covered the mouth and not the nose of an infected individual, it would still reduce the viral load in the air. I have no evidence to support this - just common sense.

Interesting research topic for someone to do, though!!


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!

I am aware of evidence that the virus is airborne and spread through speaking, singing and coughing. However, there seems to be zero cases of where it is spread by handling the mask. Indeed, it seems that not wearing it properly is deemed as a greater risk by HMGovt than not wearing one at all. That seems counterintuitive to me.
Yeah, I'm not sure about that either.

However, I don't see the inconsistency and reach the conclusion that masks are useless. I think the inconsistency lies with our government, and , I think this shows its hurting the message.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Problem is it wasn't long ago they weren't recommended anywhere full stop. If they were wrong then......
They're not wrong though. To say they're wrong is to misunderstand how this government works. Wrong implies that they've considered the evidence, consulted the experts, accessed the proper resources and come to a reasonable and balanced concusion in the best interests of the country. That's not how they operate. They are populists, their method is to put out mixed messages and see what captures the public's attention, throw enough shoot against the wall and see what sticks. In this case they simultaneously suggested that masks would and wouldn't be mandatory, public opinion was in favour, people were lauding Sturgeon, so they went for that. And everybody agrees what a marvellous decision it was.

This government measure right and wrong, and success and failure, in a totally different way to you or me.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
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