Face masks......where to buy them??

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My confusion is this, if you have a medical reason for not wearing a mask then should you be out?
It depends on whether the reason is physical such as facial/head disfigurements or medical such as a heart or lung condition. The latter one,then yes you are taking a risk. Not being funny here,but if Vincent Van Goch was alive today,how would he keep the mask on his face?


Hello decadence
The WHO have summarised all the leading research on the matter, and continue to review new research and update their advice accordingly. Their current stance is that face coverings or masks offer only a "very slight" (a direct quote) benefit. Note that is masks or face coverings, not surgical grade respirators or military respirators. They state that wearing one reduces the chances of the wearer infecting another person by only 3 to 11%, and offer no protection to the wearer.

The only thing that is changing is not the scientific advice, but the frenzy being whipped up by the media and a gullible and scientifically illiterate population believing the media guff. If you want definitive advice go the the .gov or WHO websites, and ignore everything else.
The WHO is out of step with the current evidence. My wife (and others across the globe) have been giving evidence to them which shows that they are hugely underestimating the benefits of wearing masks. The crux of the evidence is that it is not possible to conduct randomised controlled trials (which are seen as the gold standard of medical evidence) in a community setting when a person's action (wearing a mask) benefits someone else. If you'd like evidence to back this up, I'm quite happy to provide it.

The relevant evidence for the efficacy of mask wearing comes from (i) country studies (look at the impact of countries which have mandated masks vs those which haven't) and (ii) lab studies of ways to interrupt the aerosol ejection of droplets containing virus during speech, singing and coughing. The WHO is ignoring this.

I acknowledge what the WHO is saying, however, on this occasion they are providing misleading information. I am happy to back this up with peer-reviewed evidence.

Edit: a good place to start looking on how public health experts have got it wrong (and how the feel about admitting it) is here:

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Hello decadence
Because I have a condition that'll put me in an A&E, whether I go out or not, I shouldn't go out?

I've spent a lifetime fighting similar "opinions" on what it should stop me doing.
Classic - if people like Accy, Mark F, Drago and myself all wore masks, you wouldn't need to wear one. That is the point - our masks protect you. And that's why, none of us should object to wearing one. I agree - you should be able to go out and we shouldn't be so selfish as to make it dangerous for you to go out.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Anyway,seeing as the title of this thread is Face masks......where to buy them?? I visit a ladies children's clothes/hat shop in town every now and then. The woman who owns the shop makes her own hats(she's a milliner)and since this lockdown she's been making fashionable adult and children's face masks. At the start of the lockdown she told me that the masks weren't selling that much. I went into the the shop on Wednesday to see there were hardly any left. While i was in there,four people came in asking if there were any left. She told them to keep coming into the shop as she's making them all the time. I asked her how many she's sold and how many she can make in a day. She told me that she's sold 9000 and that she's now employing 4 workers to knock more and more out. 9000 times a fiver is by my reckoning 45,000 grand! Not bad for what started off as a little sideline. I bought a tweed/check style one off her about 3 weeks ago.
similar to this design.

I find it slightly restrictive,but it matches my current outfits which are mostly tweed based,so i suppose i'll wear it....begrudgingly off course!:headshake:
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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
It depends on whether the reason is physical such as facial/head disfigurements or medical such as a heart or lung condition. The latter one,then yes you are taking a risk. Not being funny here,but if Vincent Van Goch was alive today,how would he keep the mask on his face?
With the ironically named 'ear savers'.



It's simple if you can't wear one and it's covered by the guidelines and your challenged. What happens next will be down to how you go about it. If you stay cool and explain to who ever asks you on the way in you will be fine. If you go off on one and and get all arsy about. Then that's when trouble starts and if poilce are called and you still carry on. They are not going to mess and fine you but cart you off to the station for a nice chat the mask issue will not be the only thing you may find you get done for if you still carry on. However the mask issue will be quickly fixed as the FME or FNP has full access to SystmOne so that's one less problem.

Ones who truly can't are why less than ones who can. So really is not an issue if everyone who can just get's on and wears one.
Some who feel they can't or have a medical condition that is covered in the guidelines. May find they can use something if they feel they would like to try and they feel safe using something that's for them decided. I'm not saying they should and if in doubt get some medical advice. People like @classic33 need understanding from the rest of us not all conditions or disabilities are visible or prevent them going out in the current situation. Not forgetting really it's our business to do around finger pointing and saying prove it then. As they are not the ones who are trying to find as many holes as get out's of the this and the rest of the guidelines.

The one's trying it on often are easy to spot and can on the whole be dealt with they are often known to the shop owners/staff ect.
They are the ones who are likely to go totally off on one and be fined or get a free lift to the station.
Equally ones who do have conditions or often require help from shop staff are also often known my the staff.
Not saying that's how it will pan out but we have to try the best we can till we get to the point of it just being the normal thing to do.


Anyway,seeing as the title of this thread is Face masks......where to buy them?? I visit a ladies children's clothes/hat shop in town every now and then. The woman who owns the shop makes her own hats(she's a milliner)and since this lockdown she's been making fashionable adult and children's face masks. At the start of the lockdown she told me that the masks weren't selling that much. I went into the the shop on Wednesday to see there were hardly any left. While i was in there,four people came in asking if there were any left. She told them to keep coming into the shop as she's making them all the time. I asked her how many she's sold and how many she can make in a day. She told me that she's sold 9000 and that she's now employing 4 workers to knock more and more out. 9000 times a fiver is by my reckoning 45,000 grand! Not bad for what started off as a little sideline. I bought a tweed/check style one off her about 3 weeks ago.
similar to this design.
View attachment 536443
I find it slightly restrictive,but it matches my current outfits which are mostly tweed based,so i suppose i'll wear it....begrudgingly off course!:headshake:

Unless she is sellng them for a lot more than a five she has notmae the figure you mention. All credit to her for spotting an opportunity and going for it, most would not do either, even more so forcreating employment. Wouldyou give us a link as I am sure someon here would like to buy some.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Wouldyou give us a link as I am sure someon here would like to buy some.
Why buy from the shop i mentioned when i'm sure shops local to posters also sell masks?:scratch: But if you insist,the shop is called Strawberry Buttons. It's on Queen Street in Great Harwood Lancashire. She has a facebook page. I won't link it as i don't know if or not my details will come up as well.

Besides,i've found one you might like,online!


:whistle: ;)
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Why buy from the shop i mentioned when i'm sure shops local to posters also sell masks?:scratch: But if you insist,the shop is called Strawberry Buttons. It's on Queen Street in Great Harwood Lancashire. She has a facebook page. I won't link it as i don't know if or not my details will come up as well.

I have seen nothing like that for sale around here, mind you I am 10 miles from most shops. Thanks for the information.
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