It's simple if you can't wear one and it's covered by the guidelines and your challenged. What happens next will be down to how you go about it. If you stay cool and explain to who ever asks you on the way in you will be fine. If you go off on one and and get all arsy about. Then that's when trouble starts and if poilce are called and you still carry on. They are not going to mess and fine you but cart you off to the station for a nice chat the mask issue will not be the only thing you may find you get done for if you still carry on. However the mask issue will be quickly fixed as the FME or FNP has full access to SystmOne so that's one less problem.
Ones who truly can't are why less than ones who can. So really is not an issue if everyone who can just get's on and wears one.
Some who feel they can't or have a medical condition that is covered in the guidelines. May find they can use something if they feel they would like to try and they feel safe using something that's for them decided. I'm not saying they should and if in doubt get some medical advice. People like
@classic33 need understanding from the rest of us not all conditions or disabilities are visible or prevent them going out in the current situation. Not forgetting really it's our business to do around finger pointing and saying prove it then. As they are not the ones who are trying to find as many holes as get out's of the this and the rest of the guidelines.
The one's trying it on often are easy to spot and can on the whole be dealt with they are often known to the shop owners/staff ect.
They are the ones who are likely to go totally off on one and be fined or get a free lift to the station.
Equally ones who do have conditions or often require help from shop staff are also often known my the staff.
Not saying that's how it will pan out but we have to try the best we can till we get to the point of it just being the normal thing to do.