erm..the things only women do?

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New Member
Wheeledweenie said:
More importantly where does one buy cashmere saddle covers and fluffy pink handlebar accessories? Surely a lady can't leave home without such essentials.

Have you ever been to Mildenhall Cycle Rally? One of the trade stands had all sorts of bike bits colour co-ordinated. All the blue stuff in one box, green in another, pink in another, yellow in another....
Spud said:
I've got three females in my house and every week the plug hole gets blocked up because of the hair washing and general defoliating ( if thats what its called ) and none of them think to clean it out. If anybody needs a wig making I can supply real hair for free - if you don't mind the odd pube which might be mine.

Back to the original topic of the thread. I hold my hand up guilty as charged, m'lud. Husband is always complaining about clearing my hair out of the plughole...

Chris Sirrus

New Member
Why wasn't this brought up in the "things only men do" thread when men were being shoehorned into the farting, hairy, arse scratching stereotype? Why did it have to wait until women were being forced into their respective pigeon holes?


Über Member
wafflycat said:
Have you ever been to Mildenhall Cycle Rally? One of the trade stands had all sorts of bike bits colour co-ordinated. All the blue stuff in one box, green in another, pink in another, yellow in another....

Scary ;)

That said I do own a rather lovely pannier from cyclechic that I use on weekends. It's rather gorgeous and I have been asked in the past where I got may 'handbag' from when carrying it out and about.


Cake connoisseur
Chris Sirrus said:
Why wasn't this brought up in the "things only men do" thread when men were being shoehorned into the farting, hairy, arse scratching stereotype? Why did it have to wait until women were being forced into their respective pigeon holes?
Oddly enough, most of the farting, hairy, arse scratching stereotype posts on "things only men do" were posted
Power-walking (maybe men do it but just don't dress up).
Go power-walking or jogging with a long sleeve top tied around their waist - I have never seen a bloke doing this but on some days have not seen a single lady out exercising without one.

Chris Sirrus

New Member
Baggy said:
Oddly enough, most of the farting, hairy, arse scratching stereotype posts on "things only men do" were posted

That makes it OK?


Cycling Excusiast
hahah -I thankfully bowed out after the post got too disgusting Baggy...the picture people must paint of me on here! It ain't true folks!!

Like I said Chris -neither is ok, it's a crass and boring, overdone way to look at people.


Cycling Excusiast
darkstar said:
Wafflycat, don't ignore my post at the bottom of page 12!

How's it make you feel to be ignored darkstar??;);)

I think this is good enough demo of Kirstie's post!!


Cake connoisseur
Chris Sirrus said:
That makes it OK?
I'm not a massive fan of sexism or stereotypes in either direction and agree there are loads of men and women here who aren't, either.

It doesn't make it ok - but when the majority of the initial responses on this thread were also from men...I think it's just touched a nerve with a load of posters, as Badkitty has explained (post 96).

Sorry, end of day, not feeling very well, not very articulate.
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