erm..the things only women do?

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Cake connoisseur
Greedo said:
The fact that the thread is still there and 50+ people have voted and hundereds of people viewed it would suggest that most people didn't find it offensive.
Hundreds of people viewed it and didn't vote - maybe they were offended, maybe they weren't, but it doesn't mean they condone or enjoy the content. Several of the people who replied mentioned they weren't happy about the content, which is why it was moderated.

You might not mean to come across as sexist/whatever, but you still post this kind of stuff in cafe even after several similar threads have been consigned to room 101 and after Admin, which I don't think does your argument any favours.


New Member
Jeez lighten up people, I'm fairly confident the majority of posts were intended in jest, until some people decided to make a big deal out of it and cause an argument. Not everything has to be strictly pc and serious, all the girls i know would just take is as banter, and would give it back in equal measures.


Cycling Excusiast
darkstar, I can banter very well as many on here will tell you. But again, it's when things cross that line between joking and actually become a short cut for women=bad- that's when it's an eye rolling moment and that crossing over can be very subtle.

EDIT: It's not simply about being PC either, how many times has that one being trotted out? I have one of the most unPC senses of humours around. It's just trying to not reinforce old stereotypical ideas however, with some attitudes on here they don't seem to have died a death.


New Member
This isn't about being 'pc' or 'lightening up' darkstar, it's about a particular kind of sexist view about women that really needs to be dispatched to where it belongs: the middle of the 20th century and before that.


wafflycat said:
Once again, Greedo, you're demonstrating how you just don't seem to get it at all.

Oh but I do. I'm just surprised that you used the actual word that any member of the board who is homosexual would probably find offensive! I'm sure we would have got what you meant without using it as i certainly never have

Same really as anyone reading the thread would maybe "just not get it at all" your hatred of me
darkstar said:
Jeez lighten up people, I'm fairly confident the majority of posts were intended in jest, until some people decided to make a big deal out of it and cause an argument. Not everything has to be strictly pc and serious, all the girls i know would just take is as banter, and would give it back in equal measures.

Which I think most of us in the cafe do rather well actually, most of the time. But, you know what? We also have the right to occasionally get p*ssed off when that doesn't work, and the sexism spirals out of control.

This is the first time I've been moved to comment on this in nearly a year of coming here virtually everyday.

I think that says something.


Cycling Excusiast
Greedo - there is nothing wrong with the word 'queer' in fact it's been adopted by the gay community - have you not heard of queer culture?


New Member
Hmm ok, i suppose my mates are all a similar age to me and just don't take anything in offense when coming from a friend, actually that may be the difference. Coming from a friend it's all gravy. The actually view of woman is never considered as we know it's just banter.


New Member
Greedo, I really don't think so much of you that 'hate' is even considered. I do, however, point out by example, what your attitude to women seems to be the equivalent of by what you post: offensive.


Baggy said:
Hundreds of people viewed it and didn't vote - maybe they were offended, maybe they weren't, but it doesn't mean they condone or enjoy the content. Several of the people who replied mentioned they weren't happy about the content, which is why it was moderated.

You might not mean to come across as sexist/whatever, but you still post this kind of stuff in cafe even after several similar threads have been consigned to room 101 and after Admin, which I don't think does your argument any favours.

I've had one thread confinded to 101 and it was for something totally unrelated!!!!


Über Member
What I can do as a women, well I can:

Use a chainsaw, put up a fence (post and wire etc), plant 360 meters of hedge, hedge lay, build a shed, build a path, build a pond, fix a car if I have too, drive a land rover, make steps and hand rails, cook, clean and do the washing.

I can do more than the average man on cyclechat.

I resent being talked down to by some men because they are nothing but sexist pigs, my first chainsaw teacher ignored me because I was female, hence why I didn't pass the first-time.


Cycling Excusiast
Gromit said:
What I can do as a women, well I can:

Use a chainsaw, put up a fence (post and wire etc), plant 360 meters of hedge, hedge lay, build a shed, build a path, build a pond, fix a car if I have too, drive a land rover, make steps and hand rails, cook, clean and do the washing.

I can do more than the average man on cyclechat.

I resent being talked down to by some men because they are nothing but sexist pigs, my first chainsaw teacher ignored me because I was female, hence why I didn't pass the first-time.

I know exactly what you mean Gromit.
I despise and despair the fact that often I am something 'pretty' to be looked at - currently have issues around this in my current job.
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