erm..the things only women do?

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wafflycat said:
Greedo, I really don't think so much of you that 'hate' is even considered. I do, however, point out by example, what your attitude to women seems to be the equivalent of by what you post: offensive.

I am NOT sexist. End of story.

Bad taste -Yes
Crass - Yes

There are far worse on here than me and as a bloke actually think they mean it! go and take it up with them.

I only mentioned cushions on this thread and your pal The Claud took it upon herself to pick me to have a go at because I pointed out to RR he had upset people.

Fair????? - don't think so


Cycling Excusiast
darkstar said:
I resent being talked down to by a sexist woman...:smile:

I'm with you there darkstar- the whole raft of shite adverts etc on TV that demeans men as well - ie that pathetic feminax advert about getting rid of pains and likening men to 'a pain'- Good grief - what is this? Are we in the reverse of the sixities and moving onto men bashing?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
darkstar said:
Jeez lighten up people, I'm fairly confident the majority of posts were intended in jest, until some people decided to make a big deal out of it and cause an argument. Not everything has to be strictly pc and serious, all the girls i know would just take is as banter, and would give it back in equal measures.

Just because something is 'intended in jest' doesn't mean it's ok. Plenty of stuff that may be 'intended in jest' can be very upsetting, or at least, very annoying.

And suddenly hey presto, Greedo is Germaine Greer. Amazing!


New Member
Arch said:
Just because something is 'intended in jest' doesn't mean it's ok. Plenty of stuff that may be 'intended in jest' can be very upsetting, or at least, very annoying.
Yup, i posted a few minutes after the one quoted explaining it's obviously different amongst people you know well enough, for them to not take offense!


Über Member
ttcycle said:
I'm with you there darkstar- the whole raft of shite adverts etc on TV that demeans men as well - ie that pathetic feminax advert about getting rid of pains and likening men to 'a pain'- Good grief - what is this? Are we in the reverse of the sixities and moving onto men bashing?

Couldn't agree more, the idea that men are emotionally incompetent thickos seems to be creeping into advertising and I find it irritating.

But the ad that really gets me is that dreadful one based on Sex and the City. I'm sorry but hands up any woman who has talked about 'bowel stuff' and stool softener at a lunch with the girls? Ummmmm no.


Arch said:
And suddenly hey presto, Greedo is Germaine Greer. Amazing!

Not sure it's entirely what you meant, but I'd rather take that as a compliment.


New Member
Greedo said:
I am NOT sexist. End of story.

Bad taste -Yes
Crass - Yes

There are far worse on here than me and as a bloke actually think they mean it! go and take it up with them.

I only mentioned cushions on this thread and your pal The Claud took it upon herself to pick me to have a go at because I pointed out to RR he had upset people.

Fair????? - don't think so

Yes dear.


Openly Marxist
wafflycat said:
Yes dear.


If Greedo will forgive my smugness, I'm rather pleased at the way this thread has been taken over by a bunch of smart, funny women who build and ride bicycles ;). The crucial question, of course, is whether the women with recumbents cover them in scatter cushions.


Über Member
theclaud said:

If Greedo will forgive my smugness, I'm rather pleased at the way this thread has been taken over by a bunch of smart, funny women who build and ride bicycles ;). The crucial question, of course, is whether the women with recumbents cover them in scatter cushions.

More importantly where does one buy cashmere saddle covers and fluffy pink handlebar accessories? Surely a lady can't leave home without such essentials.


New Member
South London
I've got three females in my house and every week the plug hole gets blocked up because of the hair washing and general defoliating ( if thats what its called ) and none of them think to clean it out. If anybody needs a wig making I can supply real hair for free - if you don't mind the odd pube which might be mine.
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