erm..the things only women do?

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
patheticshark said:
I think this is absolutely true and one of the reasons I get pretty uncomfortable using this forum as there is a huge trend for complaining about the nagging wife on here, more so than any other cycling forum I've used.

Of course whenever I mention this I get shot down for whinging.

I must say, I sometimes wonder why some people stay married, when all they seem to do is complain about the other half nagging them. I suppose it's a bit like the bad driving threads in Commuting, we all remember and comment on the bad stuff, and let the good pass by.

Personally, I can't imagine getting together with someone who didn't share my interest in bikes, or wasn't at least happy for me to get on with it while they did their own thing. Maybe it's harder to adjust if you pick up an interest after you're already with the person.

I don't tend to enjoy men/women threads, probably because I'm a pretty boyish girl, as are many of my female friends, and most of my best male friends don't conform to male stereotypes either, so it all seems a bit ridiculous.


New Member
My gf rarely nags, don't see her as much as i would like as she's at a different uni, but been together for years. The only thing i find is.... she spends too much money on shoes and clothes, she looks amazing everyday though, so i can't really complain.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
darkstar said:
My gf rarely nags, don't see her as much as i would like as she's at a different uni, but been together for years. The only thing i find is.... she spends too much money on shoes and clothes, she looks amazing everyday though, so i can't really complain.

These students are rolling in it eh. :smile:


Openly Marxist
Greedo said:
I'll look forward to it.

I don't really see any need to do this by PM, Greedo. The reason for the 'dig' as you put it, is that your post about 'upsetting the masses', whoever they are, was a direct endorsement of RR's, with little laughing smilies to indicate how hilarious you find it all. As patheticshark and Kirstie note, rather more diplomatically than I could, there is a small group of people on this forum who use it as a vehicle for indulging a certain kind of unreconstructed sexism in the form of lame gags, clinging to outdated beliefs about men and women, complaining about girlfriends/wives/partners, and parading galleries of sex objects. Forgive me if I'm mis-identifying the main culprits, but the Big-Greedo-Raider-Yenners quartet on this thread gives a fair snapshot. I find it crass, insulting, objectionable, and detrimental to the forum. It's really that simple. Dellzeqq suggested on another thread that a bit of introspection might not go amiss - you and I have had several small clashes about exactly this kind of thing, and yet you still seem surprised by my response. If you don't give a monkey's what I think, as I suspect RR doesn't, then you will no doubt continue in the same vein, but the larger point is that if you value the respect, friendship and company of women then you'd be well advised to think more carefully about the way you talk about, and to, them.


New Member
snapper_37 said:
These students are rolling in it eh. :biggrin:

Haha well... we are for the few weeks after receiving the loan installment, then you soon realise, that just maybe, buying that thing you don't actually need (in my case, some random gadget or thing for the bike, in hers a £300 pair of shoes :smile: ) was a mistake :smile:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Hi Claud,

Well my thoughts when opening the thread were:

1) It would add balance to the thread about what only men do
2) It would be a bit of harmless fun on a dull grey day
3) The people on here are generally sensible enough to know that it is meant tongue in cheek

So please dont take it seriously& accept my apology:becool::smile:.


Greedo said:
One works in the media and has day to day dealings with the comedians of this world. Some of the comments she's had to deal with also have been shocking and have put me off some people i thought were funny.

Well spill the beans then Greedo - who are these sh1tes?


New Member
theclaud said:
As patheticshark and Kirstie note, rather more diplomatically than I could, there is a small group of people on this forum who use it as a vehicle for indulging a certain kind of unreconstructed sexism in the form of lame gags, clinging to outdated beliefs about men and women, complaining about girlfriends/wives/partners, and parading galleries of sex objects.

Aye, the old caveman attitudes are displayed a wee bit too often in recent weeks.

In case 'the lads' don't get it...


... the mentality pictured above needs to go back where it belongs: the stone age.


Über Member
I've mentioned Cyclechat to a few friends and at least three rejected it out of hand because they didn't like the sexist attitude of some of the posters.

It's a real shame as the silly minority ruin if for everyone. That's always the way I find. Sigh.
theclaud said:
Forgive me if I'm mis-identifying the main culprits, but the Big-Greedo-Raider-Yenners quartet on this thread gives a fair snapshot.

Oh my! I know this is a cliche and predictable etc etc but I have to come back in to defend Boab. He was messing around having a dig at went wrong which is why I called him a c*ck. However, I need you folks to know that he isn't that kind of man.
If he was, do you seriously think I'd want to spend time with him?


Openly Marxist
BigonaBianchi said:
Hi Claud,

Well my thoughts when opening the thread were:

1) It would add balance to the thread about what only men do
2) It would be a bit of harmless fun on a dull grey day
3) The people on here are generally sensible enough to know that it is meant tongue in cheek

So please dont take it seriously& accept my apology:becool::smile:.

It's not 'balance', Big - it's just the other side of the same old coin. Men are like this, women are like that... all harmless enough if it's about scatter cushions, but with a darker element that is close to the surface and runs very deep. And of course, it's all bollocks, as Arch's post indicates. The Jim Davidson era is behind us, and we ought to be shaking off the vestiges of 80s observational comedy by now as well. The interesting thing is that the people who insist it is 'tongue in cheek' are usually the ones who really believe it.
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