Envious of Scots' CycleChat Rides.

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New Member
Pdf file map of park here speicher http://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/richmond_park/


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
I'll be on my way back from Hamburg then, but hope to make a future one.

This will, in any case, not be the first CC London ride. I went on a previous one when we did the CC jersey thing. As I recall, we met at a bar, cycled a good 500 metres and then sat in a pub. Was a good ride.
Ben Lovejoy said:
I'll be on my way back from Hamburg then, but hope to make a future one.

This will, in any case, not be the first CC London ride. I went on a previous one when we did the CC jersey thing. As I recall, we met at a bar, cycled a good 500 metres and then sat in a pub. Was a good ride.

:ohmy: Yes - an epic struggle against the odds.


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
Artificial hills? What were they thinking?! I want artificial flatness!


Legendary Member
User1314 said:

See you then Ben.

I met Origamist on the commute in this morning.

Said he was interested,

He didn't know about the ride not being a frequenter of this den of idle chit-chat so I'll pm him the link.

Sign me up for the December/January ride.
Origamist said:
Sign me up for the December/January ride.

Origamist has folded on this one... :biggrin:

Nice one redjedi...you have officially identified yourself as the CCLP (...London Posse) mapmaker and route illustrator.
For what it's worth, I might have conrtinued that route through to Staines - across Staines Bridge, right at the roundabout and along...across the next roundabout at the Runnymede Hotel and on towards Windsor. Left at the next roundabout and up Priest Hill, then right into Windsor Great Park, a circuit of Smith's Lawn (Smith has a big garden) and Savill gardens etc etc, out at some point, head towards Weybridge, left along the London Road up and down to Egham (stop and drool at the Lamborghini garage), then either turn off - (I always seem to end up in Chobham / Bookham if I do that...;)) or continue on past Ashford hospital, Bedfont, turn right..A316 to Twickenham, past the stade, hang a right and arrive back at Richmond Bridge via St Margarets etc...
More pubs and coffee bars than you can shake a pump at en route...(and minimal grass - in case the Scotch viewers were getting worried:biggrin:)

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Just stumbled across this. I'm interested and have pencilled it in the diary. My main potential issue is getting my bike to London on the train (I've done it, it's quite hassly) and then getting to the start point without knackering myself cycling all the way from Liverpool St. And then cycling back to Liverpool St (don't like cycling in London traffic generally). I'll have to think about it all a bit more, unless anyone has any extra wisdom. I could, of course, drive to the start point (assuming I can park) but that seems a bit silly really.


Well-Known Member
User1314 said:
And we'll be doing it in the winter, unlike our Scottish cousins who only do this kind of thing in summer!!!!!! ;)
...sorry to disapoint you on this one COG...but you're Scottish cousins are just about finalising arrangements for the next meet-up at the end of December......anyway our summers are usually worse than anything you southerners experience in wintertime.!!!!!;)......enjoy you're ride guys...and go easy on those hills now.!!!!!!..:smile:
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