I can think of numerous occasions when I could utilise that particular nougat.I think you're awright. Could have called them "Shermans" which would have been a bit harsh.

I can think of numerous occasions when I could utilise that particular nougat.I think you're awright. Could have called them "Shermans" which would have been a bit harsh.
I would look down on them a bit for not wearing smart shorts and short-sleeved shirt like me, but I guess it's fine. I'd rather that than someone who dresses smartly and doesn't know how to behave in a restaurant or other eatery. I do always pack smart things for a sunny holiday just for that reason. Though I think the "British Etiquette" is being more watered down with each generation. And who determines what smart is anyway? If you have a £100 shirt that is ripped and creased, it doesn't look as smart as a £7 T-shirt that is new and nicely ironed IMHO
Marx and Spencers
Most of all because it's not particularly accurate! I've been to a few around my neck of the woods which are in really cool old buildings, very clean with tasty food and excellent value.
What? Are we saying that's better or worse than a polo shirt?
is that the Russian version
A spectre is haunting Cycle Chat; the Spectre of polo shirts*.
Proletariat of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your sartorial elegance.
*Naturally from Marx and Spencers...
Less bad?
I've eaten in quite a few around the country over the last 20 years when working away & they're generally mediocre at best! The meats & vegetables are usually over cooked & poor quality. You get what you pay for just like wetherspoons cheap food.
'Slacks' comes from the sixties.
Why would anyone watch Talk TV?