I used to teach is a 'difficult' secondary school - before the problems were worked out
Just before we went into Special Measures - which was fun - we had to had a department meeting to discuss out Motto and Mission statement
Ours was a fairy cynical depart (Technology) so it was met witha lot of eye rolling (maybe sorting out behaviour was more important??)
Anyway - after a few valiant attempt by the Department Head to get us on task I suggested a motto
"Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter here"
It didn;t go down well
in a meeting of teachers I was the only one who knew where it came from
No idea what the motto ended up being
but I do remember the Head going beserk in a morning staff meeting at the start of the day during the inspection because the inspectors had asked quite a few teacher what the school Motto was
and not one of us knew
apparently it was on the school website - the IT technician knew because he had put it there - didn;t know anyone else who had even heard of it
anyway - end of story - carry on guys