Doubling Up On Road

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Well now Freecyclist I have been leading club rides for a very long time and after reading your posts I have just about reached the conclusion [and I agree totally with Del and Andy] that either:
A. You are clueless
B. Have never ridden in an organised bunch ride.
C. Troll.
D. All of the above.

If just A or/and B please take heed of those with experience.

Bet your membership sec. loves you when it comes to recruitment time :biggrin:


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
I am pro cycling more than anyone. However i do not subscribe to your mindset that any concesion or accomodation of other road users should be automatically dismissed and regarded as a sign of weakness.
That is an absurdly extreme strawman characterization of the argument. Just because someone gets annoyed if someone tries to squeeze past dangerously at speed, and takes a road position to prevent it, doesn't mean they won't move over courteously to let someone pass when it is safe to do so.
Isn't this just another thing where common sense dependent on the particular circumstances should prevail, and cannot possibly be solved by a discussion in a forum as the variables of the situation are too wide to conquer here?

You can't talk specifics for the reasons you give but you can talk general principles I would suggest. And freemotorists suggestion that we should all defer to the mighty motorist does not seem to be one that is supported much here.


Openly Marxist
This is a really important point. People who ride in the gutter and in the door zones of parked cars, filter always on the left and generally fail to assert their right to be on the road just reinforce the belief in motorists that the roads are for motor vehicles and cyclist are just intruders to be tolerated (or not).

Having said that, I can understand why some people who are not naturally assertive or aren't confident riders would ride like that, given that this attitude does exist among a significant number of motorists.

So can I, but it's up to the rest of us to help build their confidence, protect them and set a good example when riding with them, and not to make unnecessary concessions to the domination of public space by motor traffic when riding alone. I just threw in the "feeble-minded" bit in honour of freecyclist.


New Member
And you'd be as wrong as it's possible to be. But that hasn't stopped you so far...

I hope i am wrong about StuartG but the impression he has given me is one of unwillingness to even consider the idea and because i am posing a (predictably?) unpopular opinion about a cycling issue on a cycling forum i am uninteligent , fixated and necessarily wrong.
If we can only discuss within cosy cycling biased parameters then i think thats a bit sad.


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
How dare you boldface part of my ... (only joking):whistle:

So can I, but it's up to the rest of us to help build their confidence, protect them and set a good example when riding with them, and not to make unnecessary concessions to the domination of public space by motor traffic when riding alone.
Yes, I agree. :thumbsup:


New Member
I am amazed by your mastery of mutually harmonious communications and persuasive ability

Thanks - nice picture.:hello:


Openly Marxist
I hope i am wrong about StuartG but the impression he has given me is one of unwillingness to even consider the idea and because i am posing a (predictably?) unpopular opinion about a cycling issue on a cycling forum i am uninteligent , fixated and necessarily wrong.
If we can only discuss within cosy cycling biased parameters then i think thats a bit sad.

Trust me, you are wrong. We have all "considered" the idea that we are an inconvenience to motor traffic and that our default response should be to get out of the way - we are obliged to "consider" it every time we are deliberately intimidated by someone who holds that view. Having considered it at enormous length, few of us are prepared to accept it. Some of us are clearly prepared to make concessions to it, but some of us have had enough, and are not. The latter category are stronger, happier, more confident cyclists, more affable companions and better citizens. If you want to try and make a virtue of spinelessness, then go ahead, but don't expect everyone to be impressed.


I hope i am wrong about StuartG but the impression he has given me is one of unwillingness to even consider the idea and because i am posing a (predictably?) unpopular opinion about a cycling issue on a cycling forum i am uninteligent , fixated and necessarily wrong.
If we can only discuss within cosy cycling biased parameters then i think thats a bit sad.

Yep thats about it in a nutshell , glad to see you are getting the hang of this now ! :thumbsup:


Comminism isnt necessarily bad. Look at calcutta / east bengal the oldest communist regime in existance , mother teresa rip got on ok. Look at china cant be doing so badly if the west is having to go borrowing from them as our economy goes belly up.
The more i think of it things would be much improved if all road users adopted a more communal attitude.
So comrade i am inclined to think it might be beneficial for social cohesion to discourage large gangs of cyclists.
What difference does it make to the cyclist in going out a 2 groups of 6 rather than one group of 12 ?

I was born and lived under communism. It sucked.

I suspect you know nothing about a lot of things.


slower but no further
SE London
I hope i am wrong about StuartG but the impression he has given me is one of unwillingness to even consider the idea
Hooray!!! Your hopes are realised Yes you are completely wrong yet again.

Any sensible cyclists/motorists (and there are a few here methinks) does consider all the alternatives and then uses their skill, experience and the experience of others to inform their decisions on road placement. When they all, except you, come to similar conclusions - you have to ask, what do you bring to the party?

The answer is some illogical, unsupported ramblings which have convinced no one. Now that could be down to:

1) Your warm friendly attitude to other road users
2) Everybody here doesn't know what they are talking about
3) We all annoy people just because we can
4) We think you are a Troll
5) Friday has come early this week ...


New Member
Trust me, you are wrong. We have all "considered" the idea that we are an inconvenience to motor traffic and that our default response should be to get out of the way - we are obliged to "consider" it every time we are deliberately intimidated by someone who holds that view. Having considered it at enormous length, few of us are prepared to accept it. Some of us are clearly prepared to make concessions to it, but some of us have had enough, and are not. The latter category are stronger, happier, more confident cyclists, more affable companions and better citizens. If you want to try and make a virtue of spinelessness, then go ahead, but don't expect everyone to be impressed.

Your interpretation of being considerate as spineless is unfortunate i feel.
You seem to be in the ; weve had enough and were not prepared to make concessions, camp.
I am not so jaded - i still think mutual existence and cooperation and consideration is to be recommended.
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