Not sure about Boardman, but Cath Wiggins was very quick in her day, particularly on the track, a member of the national junior squad, and still races now and again.
Sorry I should have said pro-cyclist.
Not sure about Boardman, but Cath Wiggins was very quick in her day, particularly on the track, a member of the national junior squad, and still races now and again.
Hence my use of "real world" rather than real world.
She sounds like she's playing the victim well; the sweet 18 year old schoolgirl, all alone with no help, the system failed her, a loving family for whom she demands privacy, heartfelt plea to understand just how much she does without support, she operates in an environment different to the majority of athletes (not sure where she gets that one from tbh), a psychiatrist assessment is mentioned, mistake, after honest mistake; she just about stops short of saying "think of the children...", but manages to have a dig at the "twitter army" (I think she means people expressing opinions on twitter rather than there actually being an actual army on twitter)
I think I'm only going to get worried about that if she also starts a Lizzie Armitstead Foundation fundraising by selling rainbow-coloured wristbands.She sounds like she's playing the victim well;
Yeah, https://twitter.com/BritishArmy are going "WTF did we do?!?"(I think she means people expressing opinions on twitter rather than there actually being an actual army on twitter)
Not sure about Boardman, but Cath Wiggins was very quick in her day, particularly on the track, a member of the national junior squad, and still races now and again.
Maybe she got confused when she saw their tweets about #Armistice??Yeah, https://twitter.com/BritishArmy are going "WTF did we do?!?"![]()
The facts are out there
many people, including current sportsmen (M&F), think she has been extremely fortunate.
I'm still smarting from oldroadman saying that the CAS panel ...aren't any old people....Some facts are out there... But don't worry, I don't think she was talking about you.
Yes, very fortunate. And let's hope deservedly so.
As published on Facebook by Lizzie A.
A brave and in my view, straightforward and honest women.
Whether the know-nothing opinion trolls will accept it, who knows.
I just hope she is able to put in a brilliant performance in a few days, although I fear that all this pressure from media and internet comment may have had a bad effect on morale. Let's hope it has the opposite effect, energises her Yorkshire grit and use that wonderful talent to batter 'em all.
The process that has occured here, however, has been overly secretive
Time and time again highly motivated individuals have shown themselves to be capable of stepping over the line and automatic suspension of disbelief does no-one any favours. Currently virtually no-one suggests she's actually doped. All comment is about breaking the protocol that protects clean athletes.
This @oldroadmanAs opposed to a lot of trial by internet, its worth pointing out that UKAD pushed the guilty button on this